Friday Creature Feature~Murúch

In the distance the dark shadow of a broken vessel is slowly swallowed by the aquamarine sea. Arms and tail pumping, I swim toward it, not wanting to miss my opportunity. In a few heartbeats I’m amidst the sinking wreckage. White sails billow in the water to my right, sunlight from above filters through them, casting an eerie glow upon me. A wave of guilt washes through me but I force it to flow off my shoulders. I have no time for such things.

Bodies begin to fill the water around me, arms and legs sprawled out, hair floating about their heads. It’s surreal, almost peaceful, the way they sink. But there is nothing peaceful about the faces. They are frozen in a mask of fear, mouths open in an endless scream, eyes wide and bulging. The sight of them makes me shudder. So much death is a bad omen. I want to get this done and get as far from here as possible. But I must wait.

Finally, the first body shimmers, almost like the water around an eel does. With a whispered magic word, I activate the bracelets on my wrists, making them shimmer as well. Now, half in their world, half in mine, I reach for the body, grasping at the shimmer that has formed into a shape vaguely resembling the body it just vacated. Though it struggles in my grasp, I haul it easily away. Beneath the blue coral on the ocean floor lies the crowded cage where I take the soul. Poseidon will be pleased.

This work of fiction is original and my own. Please do not copy or reproduce it in any way without permission and linking back to me with credit. The picture isn't my usual, art-like photo because of this important post on using photos found on the internet. If you don't know about the post and use photos on your blog or site, I highly recommend you read the post. Photo credit: Stock Free Images.


  1. Another piece of brilliant writing, Heather. You can tell he's not sure about his job but is willing to do it to please Poseidon. Love the reference to his guilty feeling.

    1. Thank you, that's so kind! This one made me want to do a piece on Posiedon.

  2. I'm always amazed at the number of incredible creatures you bring us, Heather. This one is pretty scary and tragic. Nice job!

  3. Oh... this is freaky. But I love it. Thank you for a great creature!!!

    1. It is kind of a freaky one isn't it?! Glad you liked it!

  4. What an interesting character. I wonder what Poseidon does with the souls he collects!

    1. Great question, perhaps one I'll have to explore...

  5. Interesting! A soul-stealer I actually empathised with.

  6. Totally curious about the bracelets and what they do.

  7. Ah, a nice bit about a soul snatcher. Very well done, as always, Heather!


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