Tuesday Writing Tip & Winners

Today's writing tip is actually more of a marketing tip based off the #WritersRoad chat we had yesterday. Our chat was all about swag, what kind we like, what we pick up at conferences, where to get it and what it costs.

#WriteTip: Authors should always carry bookmarks and business cards with them. You never know when the chance will arise to hand them out and you don't want to need them and not have them!

If you are an author who needs a bit of swag (or even a book cover) designed, be sure to drop by my design site, CP Design

Congratulations to the winners of the Born Of Fire signed paperback giveaway that helped spread the word about author Kristie Cook's campaign to fight domestic violence:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. True! I also put stickers on mine with coupon code to a few of my ebooks.

  2. Excellent tip, Heather, those business cards are so useful--and compact and easy, and people have slots for them in their wallets :)

    1. Exactly! And you never know when the topic will come up with a complete stranger.

  3. Excellent advice! I always have cards. It's so important. But... be careful. I made 1000 business cards with cover on the front, and my phone number on the back. Someone asked me, "Do you want 1000 people having your cell?" Oooops. So I made more without. So I carry two sets. :)

    1. OH no! LOL! Good thing you made more. I have my website address on mine.

  4. That's a really great tip, and one I'll keep in mind if I ever publish. Lol. I think it's probably also a good idea for writers to have business cards at conferences and conventions, or even book signings. Anywhere you'll meet bookish people.

    1. You will hon, and soon! I have no doubts. :)

  5. I absolutely adore swag.

    As a reader I love to add swag to my life book (a scrapbook of my life) only down side to this is if I get something that is double sided and only have one copy, then I can't paste it to a piece of paper so it ends up sitting in a pile till I can get another copy...

    As a book blogger I love swag because it allows me to do a different sort of giveaway or include it in a book I'm giving away as a little extra (I'm running low though but looking forward to the swag listed a few posts below this one :)


    1. Me too! It is fantastic for giveaways. And what a cool idea to make a scrapbook, I love that!


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