Monday's Muse~Great Foundation

My very good friend and fellow author, Christine Fonseca were so inspired by the wonderful things they're doing, that we have joined the volunteer team at the IS Foundation (Ian Somerhalder Foundation. Yes Vampire Diaries fans, that Ian Somerhalder ;). They are an amazing organization that protects endangered species, abandoned and abused animals, works toward cleaner energy, and helps kids of all ages by educating them about the world around us and being a support net for them.

So what does a volunteer do? Well, Christine and I work for different departments within the IS Foundation. I write for the environment department as their Environmental Division Content Coordinator (my first article is up now! Click here to read it.) and Christine writes for their youth page as their Youth Program Content Coordinator. You don't have to be a volunteer to make a difference though. Check out the site if you'd like to learn more.

Currently one of the big projects the foundation is working on is an animal shelter that will take in abused animals and rehabilitate them. You may have heard me say that a portion of the proceeds of my channeler series is going toward the foundation, and now hopefully by learning a bit more about this amazing foundation, you'll understand why.


  1. Awesome new adventure you are going on. Joining an organization that rescues animals is rewarding. I can't wait to hear more.

  2. Heather, this is fantastic!!! Okay I am off to read your article.

  3. This is wonderful, Heather! What a great cause and organization. Loved your article on the wind turbines.

  4. I am so happy for you. You will get to participate personally in a charity that holds your heart. Wonderful!

    1. Thank you Roland. It has already been a fantastic experience and I can't wait to see what the future holds for it.


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