Winners of the Latest Contests

The winner of the Free Novellas Celebration (and a n eBook of Lacrimosa and The Secret of Spruce Knoll, or Channeler’s Choice if you’ve read Spruce Knoll) is: 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Natalie has won an eBook of Lacrimos and Nikle has won an eBook of The Secret of Spruce Knoll (or Channeler's Choice if they have already read Spruce Knoll). Congrats to both of you! And to see the winner of the bookmark design by CP Design (that celebrated the reveal of Shadows of the Hidden by Anne Riley) go here. Didn't win? You can still get my channeler novella, Born of Fire for free on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble!. And you can get Christine Fonseca's novellas, Dies Irae and Mea Culpa free on Amazon and B&N as well.


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