Happy St. Paddy's Day All!

Being of Irish ancestry, today is a special day for me. Not for religious reasons as the day would suggest, but for cultural reasons. I'm proud of my ancestry, proud of the land my great, great, great's (and probably many more since my family has been in America since 1799) called home. Today I celebrate all things Irish, but most especially, its fantastic and enduring people.

Design by CP Design.


  1. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, too! I love that design!! You are one talented lady! :-)

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Love the design too.

  3. Hope you had a great day, Heather!

  4. Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day. It's lovely that you can trace your heritage so far back.

    1. Thanks Lin, I did. I'm thrilled that my family has kept up such excellent records.

  5. Happy (belated) St. Paddy's Day to you, too, Heather. Wow, 1799. That's amazing. Where did they settle?

    1. Thanks Linda! And I know, crazy that we've been here that long isn't it? We've always been nomads of a sort, each generation moving to a new state. We began in North Carolina though.


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