New Cover Reveal & Book Special

Today is a double cover reveal, SURPRISE! Cover make-overs really. For those who haven't heard, I have redesigned the cover for, The Secret of Spruce Knoll, and the cover for Channeler's Choice! Ever since I parted ways with my first publisher I have pined over the loss of that original, lovely cover~as have many of my fans. But, the only way to get it back was to recreate it, which I didn't have the talent for at the time. Finally, after almost two years of experience as a cover designer, numerous classes, and many covers, I have reached the level of ability needed to recreate that cover and do it justice. What's even better, not only have I re-created it, but I've been able to design it exactly the way I wanted it to look the first time and wasn't able to because I wasn't designing it.

So why did I change Channeler's Choice? Because I've seen two other books, one traditionally published and another self-published, with the exact same cover picture. Being an original kind of girl, I had to make a change, and I'm so glad I did. The new cover for Channeler's Choice fits it perfectly, but is still close enough to the original to be recognizable.

To celebrate this new cover I've enlisted BookBub to help me advertise a special promotion where Spruce Knoll will only be .99 cents for two days on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble! That way, if you want that new cover on your Kindle or Nook (or if you haven't had a chance to pick the book up yet), you'll be able to get it for a rock bottom price. The sale is today and tomorrow (the 8th and 9th) so I hope you'll grab your copy and spread the word to all your friends, family, and co-horts to do the same!

The Secret of Spruce Knoll is available at this price through both Amazon and B&N! I hope you love the new covers as much as I do.


  1. Heather, I love these covers! You are so talented and these are beautiful! Writing and Designing... amazing.

    1. Thank you so much Karlene! I've come a long way on both. :)

  2. I love these two covers so much more than the originals, thanks!

    1. That makes me so happy, thank you Fida! :)

  3. Love the covers, especially The Secret of Spruce Knoll. It's gorgeous.

  4. Beautiful cover and I know you were recreating the original, but I think it is much more stunning than the original and I love her eyes :)

    Also thank you for the special :) I bought it and shared it on twitter :)

    1. That's so sweet of you Cassandra, thank you!

  5. Nice Work! You've really made cover design a focus and it shows. Congrats!!

    1. Thank you Linda! It's becoming my third greatest love (after my husband and writing :)!

  6. You are quite the talented cover designer! Thanks for visiting my blog. May your career shoot to the stars! :-)

  7. Wow, Heather. The cover for The Secret of Spruce Knoll is mesmerizing!!

  8. I'm so behind in my blog reading. Glad to catch up and see the new covers! Both are lovely!

    1. Thank you Lin! And don't feel bad, I'm crazy behind too.

  9. Hey Heather! The covers look great!


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