Debut Of Beautiful Creatures

I love supporting debut authors because I think it helps keep the industry and sales of new manuscripts to publishers up. This one is special though. I've been waiting for this fantastic looking book for months so you can imagine my delight when it debuted a month early! I befriended one of the co-authors Kami Garcia on Twitter a while ago and I've been itching to read the book ever since. So what's it about?

Set in the old South, it's a tale about a boy suffering from disturbing nightmares who wants nothing more than to get out of town some day. But when a mysterious, and hauntingly familiar girl moves onto the town's oldest plantation he finds himself drawn to her.

Seeped in magic, curses, and intrigue, this is one book I can hardly wait to read! Did I mention Barnes and Noble will get the book to me in three days?! Can't wait to tear into it!


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