Monday's Muse

This week my muse has taken me to Costa Rica. She takes me to the best places! This is a random shot of a creek in the jungle. Having been to a few different jungles now I've got to say, they are the most amazing places, and so inspiring! But take bug spray. One of my favorite things to do when traveling is visit the less populated areas, get back to nature. I already knew the scene I wanted to write before I found this picture, but it helped keep me in the right frame of mind for the chapter.

As for literature, I'm still working on Never Cry Werewolf by Heather Davis. The reading is going slow since I spend most of my time writing! I've really noticed the music I'm listening to while writing this book is vastly different than what I listened to while writing it's predecessors. I think it's matured as my characters have. Funny how that works!


  1. January 1 I leave for Costa Rica for a first visit. Hope to be inspired, too.

  2. That's fantastic! Takes lots of pictures and have a great time. Hopefully it will spark some huge ideas for you. :)


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