Launch Of My Critique Group's Blog

My critique group decided to do a group blog because they're all very excited to talk about their writing journeys. Just like me, they want to share what they learn along the way to becoming published authors. These three ladies have a lot of valuable information on the writing industry to share. Karlene Petitt is a pilot (like airline pilot! How cool is that?) who writes thrillers, inspirational, fantasy, and is thinking about diving into young adult. Linda Gray writes mystery/suspense novels and Jule Rowland writes thrillers. All three ladies are some of the best critiquers I've ever come across. They're the type that find the good in a manuscript and can pull it out and make it shine. You'll love these ladies and the advice they have to share about writing and publishing. Stop by and check out our group blog when you get a chance! There are several great entries already so be sure to scroll down and check out older entries.

Hope to talk to you in the comments there!


  1. Sounds great Heather, I'll be sure to check it out! Glad to hear you had so much fun and got stuff done!

  2. Thanks Lindsey! These ladies have a wealth of knowledge, you won't be disapointed!


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