The Sugar Doll Blogger Award

The fabulous Lorel Clayton over at I'm Blogging Drowning Here has given Heather's Odyssey the Sugar Doll Blogger award! (please click on Lorel's name to check out her blog) From what I understand it is an award given to a blog that you love but whose author you'd love to know more about. It comes with the requirement of telling ten things about myself. This will go down in Heather's Odyssey history because I don't often reveal much about myself! Here goes:

1) I wrote my first book when I was twelve. It was awful and no, you'll never see it!

2) My love of fantasy began with a Time Life series of old faerie tale books that my grandmother had.

3) I played Dungeons and Dragons in high school. And I loved it. Yes, I did just admit that.

4) I was voted most likely to be wanted by the FBI by my fellow classmates my senior year. If you knew my proffession you'd love the irony of that. No, I'm not going to tell you what it is!

5) My first hero was Conan, he was all over my bedroom walls. I devoured every one of Robert E. Howard's books.

6) I read the first Dune book when I was thirteen, and loved it though I barely understood a word of it.

7) The first series of books I wrote-and got an agent for-didn't get published and I parted ways with that agent. I have plans to rewrite the series this year.

8) I refused to read young adult books until I met Aprilynne Pike and Sarah Brennan at the Hawaii Writer's Retreat and read their work. Upon realizing how fantastic the genre was I knew I had to write YA.

9) I love horses, despite three pretty bad riding accidents that all resulted in broken bones. I own two of them and ride every chance I get.

10) The tropics are my favorite place to be. I've been to Jamiaca, St. Lucia, and Hawaii. There's just something about them that kicks my writing muse into high gear!


  1. Congrats on your sugar-sweet award. I have this in my post today, too. :-)

  2. Very enlightening, Heather! Now I want to know your profession and the names of your horses!! :)

  3. Thanks Shannon! I'll click on over and check out your post.

    Krissi, check your DM box on Twitter ;)

    Thanks Fida! So sweet of all of you!

  4. Thanks so much for letting us know more about you! I think we must be related. My grandma had that same series of Time Life books (was there a section on Baba Yaga? I remember that one well). I love Conan and Dune (for some unknown reason. Reading the rest of Herbert's series never helped with understanding, but I got the sense something cool was going on). And can I raise my hand and say D&D nerd here too? The power of being Dungeon Master is heady thing. Of course I had to write fantasy after that :)

  5. Congrats on the award. Great list. I do love the irony of 4... : )
    So glad to get to know some more about you!

  6. Alissa, you crack me up! The muscle-bound Conan ;)

    It kind of does sound like we are related Lorel! I was a DM too, how funny is that? It was fantastic for learning how to develop my creativity, not to mention worlds!

  7. I know huh?! Life has a funny way of working out like that.

  8. I am still in shock that you had the guts to part with an agent - but I'm proud you made such a good decision! Nice list. Good to know you better.

  9. Anne I've got to admit, it was the hardest decision I have ever made in my life. I knew I could be ending my career by parting ways with him, but I also knew my career could end if I didn't. Thankfully it was the best decision I've ever made because the agent I have now is amazing.


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