Monday's Muse~My Friends

Last week I was lucky enough to spend the entire week with my friends workshopping our novels. They were my inspiration, and wow, what inspiration they were! My novel is monumentally better in so many ways because of their critiques and suggestions. In fact, I think I'll go back over a prior novel I wrote with their ideas in mind. When you're open minded and willing to learn the possibilities for your novel really start to bloom. Not only my novel, but my writing as well improved by leaps and bounds. Thank you ladies! Check out my critique group's blog here and meet these fabulous ladies:  One of the Scribe Sisters (I'm still working on the other two) is on Twitter. Check her out here:

Another huge inspiration to me is my good friend~and writer~Lindsey Edwards. She is always there to encourage and push me as we share our journey to publication. Today just happens to be her birthday too! Stop by her blog and wish her a happy birthday!


  1. Aww, thanks Heather! I like that we keep an eye on each others progress, even if it's just a simple how's the book/submitting going?

    Also, you all must check out the Scribe Sisters! I just added myself as a follower. Very awesome blog!

  2. You're very welcome my friend! We writers have to stick together. Your writing rocks, your time is coming... Thanks for the shout out to my girls over at Scribe Sisters. See how much you rock?!

  3. Great friends are great, but it's even better when they are also great critique buddies!

  4. It's a tough combination to find. How lucky am I?! :) Finding them wasn't easy though. It took a few retreats and workshops to find a group that clicked like this. That's one of the many reasons I recommend reatreats and workshops for anyone who can attend them!

  5. Good critique buddies can make all the difference! :-)

  6. You're right Shannon, they really can! I never realized just how big of a difference until last week.


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