Monday's Muse~Embracing Editing

The last two weeks my inspiration has been all about editing since I'm eyeball deep in it. Don't worry about throwing me a life preserver though, I’m loving the deep water. Editing is my happy place. Sick? Yeah, I know, to most it's a painful process to be dreaded and avoided. But not for me. To me the hard part is out of the way now. Cutting and adding and searching for issues is what I love. My friends tell me I should have been an editor but I'm not sure I'd love it so much if it wasn’t my own work.

How is it that I enjoy it so much? I guess I just love the process of improving the work until it shines. From the cutting of adjectives to the correcting of semi-colons and dashes, every part of it brings me a feeling of accomplishment. When you celebrate each stage of the process it makes it much more enjoyable.

This week my reading inspiration has been Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins whenever I can steal a moment to read through a few pages. As for music, when I'm editing I like to listen to the blues, both new and old. Not sure why, I just do. Here's a taste of what's been on my playlist recently.

Queen of England by Roger Glover:


  1. I think of writing as a work of art. Probably because I was an artist first. You do polish your own work, to the best of your ability.

    A work of love is like that.


  2. Could you pass a little of that editing joy my way?! :-)

  3. A work of art, I love that Lorelei, that hits it spot on! And like any great piece of art, it's worth the time and dedication.

    Ah Shannon, all I can say is, it gets easier. I didn't always love editing. I started out hating it. After I got a few books under my belt the writing process got easier and with it, so did the editing! Keep at it, the joy will come!

  4. If you had written this post when I was drowning in revisions a few weeks ago, I might have done something crazy like fly you here to do my work for me, er, help me with things. Thankfully, I am done for the moment and am no longer feeling quite so insane! I still have not discovered the joy of editing!

  5. One of the interesting things about editing is the variety of jobs you have to tackle. The structure, the proofreading, transitions, characters ... so many issues to think about, so many challenges! Enjoy :-)

  6. I love your attitude toward editing! I'm doing a stint of it right now, but I'm itching to get back to writing new stuff, so I need the task glorified with the equivalent of sparkles and "Rocky" music so I feel motivated to do it.

  7. Love how you look at the whole process of writing Heather! Very refreshing!

  8. LOL! Too funny Alissa! I know how you feel though, I've been there. Thankfully that was a long time ago! I feel for you though.

  9. So true Portia, which is why classes, workshops, retreats, or books can come in so handy! There is a LOT to it. Writers pretty much have to be their own editors to a point now days.

  10. Rocky music, I love that Lorel! Not sure it would work for me but whatever motivates you, go with it!

    Thanks Lindsey! I wish I could bottle my love for editing. I looks like it would sell for quite a bit! LOL!


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