And The Winner of the Spring Cleaning For Your Novel Contest is...

Congratulations to Molly (Olleymae) of the fabulous blog MBW Creates! You've been selected through Lists and have won a copy of The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman. After it arrives and you get a chance to read it I hope you'll stop by and tell us what you thought of it.

Thanks to everyone who became a follower and entered, and thanks to all my pre-existing followers as well. I love and appreciate each and every one of you and really enjoy sharing the world of writing with you. As my journey toward publication continues I hope to bring you many more great posts that will help you navigate the publishing world.

If your writing is in need of a boost or you're in a rut I hope you'll check out this book even if you don't win. It changed my writing in a very good way. For those on the reading side of the spectrum don't worry, I'll be giving away my favorite book of the first half of 2010 soon so stay logged in!


  1. Gosh when you said I won something, I thought it would just be a jpeg that says, "cutest blogger award" or "best interviewer award."

    But I really won SOMETHING!!
    Yay!! So exciting. One of my critique buddies just got finished with THE FIRST FIVE PAGES, so I can't wait to check it out. Thanks :) :)

  2. Dang I missed out. That's one I haven't read in a very long time and would like to again. :) Congrats to Molly!

  3. Its on the way to you know Molly! I hope you enjoy it and stop back by to tell us all about it.

  4. The great thing about discovering your blog is that I won something : a lovely new place to explore and discover.

    I am intrigued with the tagline of TIME OF THE BLOOD MOON. I think you might like my LAST LINES post for today. Come by and visit, Roland

  5. Thanks Roland, how sweet! I'm glad you found Heather's Odyssey! I'll click on over and check out your post.

  6. Ooh, I've never read that one. But I did read Hooked by Les Edgerton, which talks about "hooking" your readers in the beginning. Big fan of books about the craft. :)

  7. That sounds great Samantha! I'll have to check that one out. Thanks for the recommendation!

  8. Congrats Molly! It's a great book. In fact, I think I'll read my copy again.


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