Spring Cleaning For Your Novel Contest

Are you having trouble getting an agent or editor to take a serious look at your manuscript? The market is tough for sure but there may be more to it than that. Perhaps it's time for some spring cleaning where your novel is concerned. There is always room for improvement and those who seek it are the ones who will survive in this hardening market.

Don't worry though, you don't have to invest hundreds of dollars in classes, conferences, or workshops just to improve. There are other methods. In previous posts you may remember me mentioning The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman. While this tutorial book isn't for everyone, it may be for you. If you're working on your first, second, or even third novel, or are looking for an agent, there's a lot you can learn from this book. If you're an advanced author with a few traditionally published titles under your belt, it may not be for you.

The main draw of this book is that it will improve the basics of your writing and it will teach you what literary agents look for when they're deciding whether or not to take you on as a client. It's worth it purely for the fact that it will teach you what makes them reject you and show you how not to do it.

Since I love my followers so much I decided rather than just tell you all about the book I'm going to give it away to one lucky follower. When Heather's Odyssey hits 100 followers I'll give away The First Five Pages to one follower. To choose I'll be using the Random List Generator
Here are the rules:
*Giveaway to commence once Heather's Odyssey hits 100 followers.
*If you follow me here and on Twitter you'll be entered twice!
*If your Twitter tag is different be sure to let me know what it is in your comment!
*To be entered you must leave me a comment on this post and let me know you'd like to participate and whether you follow me in one or both areas.
While we're waiting for Heather's Odyssey to reach 100 followers you can check out The First Five Pages here: http://www.noahlukeman.com/


  1. Sign me up! Sounds like a great contest, and you're not too far off from 100. Good luck!

  2. You got it Julie! Thanks for your confidence and for following!

  3. Yay! I follow you on Twitter and now on your blog. What a great giveaway. :)

  4. Thanks Mercedes from A Broken Laptop!

  5. I just became a follower. Yay! I hope you reach 100 soon. :)

  6. Thanks Elana! Glad to have you among the ranks.

  7. I'd love to be entered! Help is always needed and appreciated. :) You're awesome, Heather!

  8. We could go back and forth about who's more awesome all day Krissi! Thanks hon, you're entered!

  9. Me, me, me! Pick me! I am a LOYAL follower, but I'm not on Twitter. Here's to 100 followers, Heather! :-)

  10. LOL! You definitely are Shannon! Thanks so much, it means a lot. :) Got you down for an entry!

  11. I'm in too!!! I am not only your loyal follower... but your biggest fan! And... will manage your PR when you hit it big. And fly you to exotic destinations too! Have a wonderful day!

  12. LOL! Thanks Karlene, you definitely are loyal. You can fly me around but we'll be doing signings together!

  13. Fun count me in.

    I'm a follower here and on Twitter (justJoanS there).

  14. I adore that book! It's one of my favorite "pull it out and read it again" writing books.

  15. Yay. I get entered twice--I'm now a follower here and on Twitter. Thanks for the cool contest!

  16. Got you down for two entries Joan!

    Me too Portia! It's all dog-eared and highlighted! I love it. When editing it's my go to book.

    Hi Olleymae and welcome to Heather's Odyssey! It's great to have you here. Got you down for two entries!

  17. Count me in too, Heather! When you're published (notice I said when, not if), your book will be a huge success, because you are a terrific writer. And I'll help with your Texas publicity. We Scribe Sisters stick together!

  18. Thanks Jule your confidence inspires me so much! And I've got you down for an entry :)

  19. Sounds like something I need to read! Thanks for the great blog. It keeps me inspired and motivated! I'm a Twitter and a blog follower - yay!

  20. I love the bright new spring look, Heather!

  21. Heather, love the new look! My favorite wolf is back. Yeah!

  22. It's a great book Michelle you won't be disapointed! I've got you down for a double entry!

  23. Thanks Alissa and Karlene, I'm glad you like the makeover!

  24. Loving the new look for the blog (haven't seen it in a while). I follow you here and on twitter. Would LOVE to win this book as I've been thinking about this very subject lately!! lynsey(AT)narrativelyspeaking(DOT)com

    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  25. Thanks Lindsey! It was finally able to get my blog exactly how I wanted it and I'm thrilled! Glad you liked it. I've got you down for an entry :)

  26. Heather! Hey - put me down! follow you both places @lisagailgreen. I think there's always more to learn even for those of us who are agented and have written several books. Each one helps us improve a little more.

    BTW don't forget to stop by my blog and let me know if I got it right!

  27. Woohoo! I'm in. :) I follow you here and on Twitter, Heather. I'm @michstephens.

    Thanks for the contest!

  28. Got you down for two entries Lisa! Loved your post by the way, and only the moon will tell ;)

  29. Thanks Michelle, I got you down for two entries!

  30. Great giveaway! Please sign me up!

    kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

  31. I'd like to enter :)

    I'm a follower here and on Twitter (izibellz).


  32. Oh! Please enter me! I'm following you here and on twitter (@amandamakepeace).

    Thank you!

  33. Kate, Bella, and Amanda, you're signed up! Thanks for following. I can't wait to share the writing journey with all of you!

  34. I'm in. I'm on my way back to twitter to leave a comment.

  35. Hi!
    Enter me please. I follow you here and on twitter as Tiggerloos
    Jan Fullerton-Clark

  36. Hi Elizabeth and Jan! Thanks for following! I've got you both down for an entry.

  37. I'm a follower here and on twitter (from @betherann). Great blog and great giveaway!

  38. Thanks for following Beth! I have you down for two entries!

  39. I'm a follower here so I'd like to enter. :) And congrats on your followers.


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