Learning From Agents Who Blog

If you are hunting for an agent and haven't discovered agents who blog yet, you don't know what you're missing. Of course there's the obvious things you can learn from them such as what they're looking for, how they'd like you to submit, and that kind of thing. But there is also a wealth of knowledge that many of them are willing to share through their blogs. And then there are those who offer up their services through contests they run on their blogs.

The dynamic Nathan Bransford of Curtis Brown Ltd. runs contests all the time and offers up not only advice on writing, but great information about the publishing industry. Nathan's blog is not something you want to miss. His posts are like tiny jewels of knowledge that he generously shares with his readers. He even has a sidebar titled 'The Essentials (Please Read Before You Query)', how great is that? http://blog.nathanbransford.com/

Kristen Nelson of the Nelson Literary Agency posts the queries her clients wrote that hooked her and explains what she loved about them. She also gives a tutorial of how to pitch. The entire blog is like gold to someone who is on the agent hunt. You don't want to miss it. http://pubrants.blogspot.com/

My own fabulous agent, Ken Atchity, blogs as well. Ken is much more than just an agent though, he is a literary manager. If you aren't sure what the difference is be sure to check out his blog and website. His blog is full of great information about not just the publishing industry, but the entire entertainment industry. http://kenatchity.blogspot.com/
There are a lot of other fantastic agents out there who are kind enough to blog and offer up their advice and experience. When in doubt google an agent you're thinking of submitting to. If you're looking for a list of agent who blog check out the Scribe Sisters blog, http://scribesisters.blogspot.com/. They have an extensive list in a column on the right hand side of their blog. For another blogger with an excellent list of agents check out Lindsey's blog http://thewritewords-lindsey.blogspot.com/


  1. Oh yeah, right. This year has taught me alot and I've networked alot too. I'll be sure to check out your agent's blog!

  2. I've learned a lot through networking too Christina. But the best part is the friends I've made!

  3. It's a win/win situation! I follow several agent blogs and Tweets even though I already have one. You can learn a lot.

  4. Thanks Heather! Are you enjoying Under my Skin! I have to get this book now it's in the UK!

  5. So true Lisa. I was amazed at how much there is to learn out there on agent's blogs!

  6. You're welcome Lynsey! I'm LOVING Under My Skin! It is a great book so far. Go out and grab it, you'll love it!

  7. Thanks for the list! I've learned so much from reading Nathan's blog, and I look forward to reading the others as well!

  8. I know huh Portia? Discovering Nathan's blog was like stumbling onto the Rosetta Stone of the literary world for me!


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