Writers Improving The World

Everywhere I go on the web lately I see outstanding writers, authors, and book lovers doing things to improve the world around them. It has really made me stop and think about what we as writers do, what we stand for, and what we can do. We create worlds in which things are different, better, more interesting, or magical. But what do we stand for in this world and what are we willing to do?

You don't have to stand for something as a writer and you don't have to do anything more than create worlds with your writing because that in itself makes a difference. But there are those that go that extra step, beyond the computer screen and the page, to reach out into the existing world. Today's post is all about honoring them. Please click on the underlined words for the links.

Soon to be debuting young adult author Myra McEntire was directly affected by the flooding in Tennessee since she calls the state home. Rather than stand aside and watch, she jumped into action and helped organize the amazing auction Do The Write Thing For Nashville. Authors, agents, editors, and other fantastic people are coming together to raise money for the flood victims in Nashville Tennessee.

The Mundie Moms have a wonderful book blog and are huge supporters of debut authors, but they are so much more than that. The Mundie Moms support Do The Write Thing For Nashville. They also support the ASPCA, the Chile Relief Fund, and supported the Autism Awareness Challenge in April. These gals are so much more than just moms who enjoy a great book.

Young adult author Riley Carney is only seventeen and already she is reaching out and changing the world with much more than just her books. Riley has started an organization called Breaking The Chain, to help break the chain of illiteracy and poverty through education for children. You can help by clicking here and voting for a grant for her organization daily: Link By Link. It takes only a few moments of your day to help.

A pair of my favorite young adult authors, Judith Graves (Under My Skin) and Kitty Keswick (Freaksville) did an excellent post on their blog supporting Wolf Sanctuaries and awareness. Since they both write about the paranormal (werewolves included) I found this very fitting and almost poetic in a way. They're both great ladies who also go above and beyond for their fans.

Another great author I met on Twitter dedicates a lot of her time and money to saving horses from slaughter. Her name is Emily Murdoch, or @LeftyWritey as you Twitter folks might know her. Being a horse lover myself, her cause is very near and dear to my heart. As you might imagine, she is one of the sweetest people you could hope to know.

As for me, I want to make the world a better place for the next generation. Don't worry I'm not the type to chain myself to a tree but I do believe in living responsibly and giving back to the earth whenever I can. Let's face it, without her we'd be living on a space station somewhere. My favorite organizations are the World Wildlife Fund and National Wildlife Federation. You can now find a link to the World Wildlife Fund at the bottom of my page and one for the National Wildlife Federation on the right side of my page. I give to them both whenever I can. Every dollar makes a difference, and it's tax deductible! I also support the ASPCA, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and my local Humane Society.

Stop by and thank these wonderful people for going above and beyond by not only writing and reading about better worlds, but by making a better world.


  1. I love reading your blog, and this post is one of the reasons why. Happy, hopeful, kind, and caring, you're another writer who makes the world a better place. :D


  2. Thank you so much Mercedes. You've made my day. :) I'm blushing now!

  3. Inspiring. Thank you for connecting the dots on these philanthropic writers for us.

  4. Yay for all of these outstanding writers :-) It takes special people to see a problem and work for change—and it's hard work! A big applause to all of these special people.

  5. You're welcome JT!

    You're right Portia, it really does take special people to work for a change. And these people are all very special and dear to me!

  6. Heather, thank you so much for spotlighting Mundie Moms. KatieB started the Thoughtful Thursday posts this year and I just love them myself. It gives us the chance to look at some interesting and new ways of contributing to really great causes. I look forward to those posts myself.

    And the Do the Write Thing for Nashville auctino has been amazing to watch!!!!

  7. You're welcome Katarina's Mama! I love what you ladies are doing over at Mundie Moms. You're so much more than just a great group of ladies with excellent taste in books!

  8. Thank you so much for this post. This is such an amazing and inspiring topic, and I'd never really thought about it before. Thank you again for writing about this!

  9. Heather, I have left you a private message at Author Nation. Could you please check it asap?
    Thanks. I tried to PM you here but I don't know why I can't.

    Good Post as always!

  10. You're welcome Kari. I'm glad you liked the post!

  11. I'm so sorry Lorelie, I'm not on AN anymore. Are you on Twitter or Facebook? You can DM me at either of those if you follow or friend me. If not leave me a comment here & I'll just read it instead of post it.

  12. Heather, This is such a great inspirational blog. We shall tell the world about it. And you have been creating a better world by being yourself. Your care and concern for the environment comes through in your writing. Life with a cause! Thank you!

  13. Thanks Karlene, that is so incredibly sweet of you!

  14. I would like to add that romance author Brenda Novak is another writer who actively helps the world around her: http://brendanovak.auctionanything.com/

    Great post as always Heather!

  15. Thanks Lindsey, this is a great idea! Anyone who wants to add to the list please do!

  16. Thanks Jennie! And thanks for stopping by. :)

  17. I have to agree with the others and say that your sweetness and caring, Heather, make the world a better place. When I see you on Twitter, I smile. Thanks for being so supportive of writers!

    Thanks for being so supportive of my publication journey, and for mentioning me in your post -- made me tear up, and made my day!

    I'm so glad to have made a new friend. : ) It's my favorite part of Query Road -- the wonderful writers like you I meet along the way.


  18. The Prolofic Blogger Award! Thank you so much Bella. I'm very honored. Folks, if you haven't checked out Bella's blog yet you must! It is awesome and she is incredibly sweet.

  19. Emily, thank you! I admire you so much for your rescue efforts and your dedication to writing. You're absolutely right, making connections like this is a wonderful part of the writing process!

  20. WOW, I am so honored and flattered you spotlighted us. THANK YOU so much. That means so much to me, as it's been so wonderful spotlighting the various organizations who do so much to help those in need, whether it be humans or animals. Thank you for all your support of us!
    -Katieb :D

  21. You're very welcome Mundies! I love your blog so much and I smile every time I see you pop up on Twitter. You brighten my day!


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