Monday's Muse~Hidden Ice City

I found this inspiring picture at Fantasy Art Design, a site of free wallpapers. It transported me and put me in exactly the right frame of mind for my latest chapter. This week my main character comes to realize the importance of team work and good friends that you can rely on. I'm nearing the end of the first draft and am picking up momentum as I go. As if that wasn't keeping me busy enough I completed my 'final' read through edit of The Secret of Spruce Knoll and have begun submitting it to agents! Now The First Dragonwatcher has my complete and undivided attention.

The book that is feeding my muse is Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus. If you missed my feature on it last week take a look at this link. I'm loving it so far! It's mysterious, creepy, and has sucked me right in.

My MP3 player and I haven't had much time together this week because I've been so busy so I don't have a song link for you this week. What inspired you last week?


  1. Heather, this is a beautiful picture and I can see how it transported you into another world.

    What inspired me last week? Heather McCorkle inspired me last week. Your determination and strength, and ability to stick to your dreams, your goals, and willingness to make friends with change. A new agent. A complete revision on your novel. And you're always positive.

    Your posts encourage and support other writers. You take time from your busy schedule to support so many people by reading their blogs. You encourage and support on twitter. You're always there for all of us when we need support or help.

    You are an inspiration! Yes... this was an easy question to answer. You are my inspiration!

  2. I love this picture, Heather. It seems to capture so much about fantasy, I can see why it inspires you.

    My inspiration is the Scribe Sisters. You, Karlene, and Linda are such terrific friends and fellow writers. You are a great source of inspiration!

  3. Heather - these pics are piquing my curiosity about your book! Sorry if I've been absent from the blogosphere/twitter. I've been in my writing cave. I just finished my rough draft!! It took me a while to get going, but once I just let loose without worrying where I was going, I got sucked in and couldn't stop. I love that rush of being right there with your characters.

  4. Ah, thank you so much Jule! You inspire me too!

  5. I'm glad they're piquing your curiosity Lisa! I was wondering where you'd gone. Congratulations on finishing your rough draft!

  6. What a beautiful picture...I might have to check out that site! Last week I was inspired by watching the whole LOTR trilogy. It never gets old, and I love the beautiful scenery!

    Good luck with your book!

  7. It's a fantastic site. I love the LOTR trilogy! Now you've inspired me to watch them again! Thanks for the good luck.

  8. Heather, that image is beautiful! You're making such awesome progress on your projects, I love it!

  9. I just wanted to pop in and say good luck on the agent front!

  10. Thanks Julie! I'm only about two chapters away from finishing my current work in progress!


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