Twitter Tuesday~Queries, Agents, & More

I didn't spend a lot of time on Twitter this week but I did manage to catch quite a few great tweets for writers. This one from Weronika, an agent with D4EO literary is great insight into rejections and what they mean:
@WeronikaJanczuk New blog post! The One Thing You Should Be "Reading Into" (Queries): I hear the phrase "I don't know how to analyz...

Author Elizabeth Craig gives us this warning about why it is so important to meet your deadlines once you have a publishing contract. You don't want to miss this:
@elizabethscraig This is Why You Always Meet Your Deadlines:

Here is the tweet of the agent reader opportunity I posted about last Friday:
@WeronikaJanczuk New blog post! An Opportunity to Read: I'd like to find someone who's interested in both a) reading some partial (...

A bit of excellent advice straight from an agent:
@Jolina_Joy An agent answers writers' questions: (via @elizabethscraig) #writing #writetip

An excellent link on polishing your novel:
@WritersDigest 5 Tips To Polish Your Fiction -

I love these "Agent Advice" interviews. There is always something fantastic in them!
@WritersDigest Agent Advice: Scott Mendel of the Mendel Media Group - "Agent Advice" is a series of quick interviews with literary ...

A writer shows us that getting published really isn't just about luck after all. Learn why here:
@lkblackburne Writer Beware® Blogs!: Getting Published is Not a Crap Shoot  <-- a dose of reality

Anyone else have a great link or tweet that I missed last week?


  1. Heather, these are wonderful insights -- thanks so much for the links! (May I borrow one for my blog post on rejection later today???)

  2. Thanks Candyland, I hope they help!

  3. Thanks Linda! Of course you can use my link, I'd be honored!

  4. Ooh, thanks for the links, Heather! I love hearing tips that you can latch onto. P.S. Gave you a shout out on my blog. Because you are awesome.

  5. Heather-these links are fabulous! Thanks. :)

  6. Thanks for these links. Looks like I have some reading to get caught up on.

  7. Heather thanks for all the links! How do you do this with your busy schedule? Yesterday on the flight, I was telling someone about you...and how you do it all. No excuse for not writing, working, blogging, tweeting... Heather does it! Thanks for being my motivation!

  8. That's so sweet Samantha, thank you! I'm off to check it out right now!

  9. Great links! I loved the polishing your writing tips one from writer's digest. The Weronika reading opportunity is also very intriguing. That could be an excellent experience!


  10. You're welcome Kristi and Alissa, thanks for stopping by!

    Thanks Frankie! :-)

  11. Somedays I have no idea how I get it all done! LOL! You and others like you are what keep me going though. Knowing I motivate you gives me strength!


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