Publishing Industry People Dish on Twitter

If you haven't taken the Twitter plunge yet don't worry, I've been keeping an eye on it for you. Writers you don't want to miss these Twitter highlights from last week! For non-Twitter peeps, the @ symbol indicates someones Twitter name.

Alice Pope from Writer's Digest shares this insightful round table discussion between agents and editors about breaking into the young adult genre:

@alicepope Check out this @WritersDigest agent and editor round table on breaking into YA

Here is a tweet from Alice with a bit of inspiring news about the publishing industry:

@alicepope Today on the SCBWI blog--In the News This Week

This Tweet from Writers Digest opened my eyes to how agents are being affected in the changing publishing industry:

@WritersDigest The Evolving Role of Literary Agents - Today I'm a guest interviewee over at Jungle Red Writers, on the evolving rol...

My friend Julie was kind enough to tweet a link to super agent Nathan Bransford's week in publishing post:

@juliemusil This Week in Publishing 9/3/10 week...  via @NathanBransford
If you aren't convinced of Nathan's brilliance take Molly O'Neill's~editor for Harpercollins~word for it! She tweeted this link to one of his great posts on first ideas:

@molly_oneill Writers, this is a very wise post & you should read it! RT @nathanbransford On the pernicious momentum of first ideas:

My friend Eisley reminds us why every writer/author needs to have Google alerts and gives us a tutorial:

@EisleyJacobs Why you need Google Alerts:

Did you catch anything great on Twitter last week? Or are you like a few of my friends who haven't taken the Twitter plunge yet?


  1. Thanks for the twitter tip sites. Very interesting.

  2. I Tweet when I have absolutely nothing of substance to say. Basically like when I talk in general.

  3. I don't know about that Candyland, I love your tweets! You always talk about things I find interesting! Great minds think alike. ;-)

  4. Great list, Heather, thank you! I try to stay current with Twitter because I know I'm missing a lot, but I can't seem to manage it even with Tweetdeck.

  5. Heather, there are so many wonderful people on twitter. Agents, writers, publishers...and pilots too. :) I've met a ton of younger people being inspired by people in the industry via twitter. Kids interested in something ... be it writing, flying, etc., and they are reaching out and reading what others have to say. Without realizing the magnitude... tweeting is inspiring future generations and helping them reach their goals. A good thing!

  6. It can be tough to keep up with VR. But don't worry, that's what you have people like me for!

  7. It is a pretty amazing community isn't it Karlene?!

  8. Wow, Heather, that info from Jane Friedman is fascinating. It certainly gives bones to the body of thought that the there are no comfortable certainties in the rules of getting agented these days.

  9. It is isn't it Linda? Jane is brilliant. And I know from experience that there are no certainties!


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