January Feature Debut Author~Beth Revis

As a lover of great science fiction this month's debut is special to me. It is Beth Revis and her breathtaking young adult science fiction novel, Across The Universe. Before we welcome Beth, first a bit about Across The Universe:

Seventeen-year-old Amy joins her parents as frozen cargo aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed and expects to awake on a new planet, three hundred years in the future. Never could she have known that her frozen slumber would come to an end fifty years too soon and that she would be thrust into a brave new world of a spaceship that lives by its own rules.

Doesn't that just make you ache for the book? Welcome to Heather's Odyssey Beth! Thank you so much for joining us. There is a painful shortage of Sci-Fi in the young adult genre. I'm so thrilled that you've added this excellent book to the ranks of great YA. What compelled you to write a YA Sci-Fi?
Beth: I did not originally set out to write science fiction. I had an idea for a story--it's the twist at the end of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE--and in order to write that story, I needed a space ship setting. Everything--the characters, the plot, the setting--came from that one idea for the end of the story.

Wow, that had to have been an interesting endeavor then! It makes me very curious as to what your favorite part of writing this book was?
Beth: Getting to that twist! It was all the way at the end, and I had to write to get to it.
That has to be fun to know the end and be so eager to get to it. Can you tell us a bit about Across The Universe that we may not know from your website?
Beth: Hmmm...I revealed a lot of secret stuff about the novel in the telescope hidden link (click the link in the telescope and type the password: seekthetruth). Something new...well, there's a scene in the book where Amy eats food on the ship. I added that scene specifically for my friend, Heather because she's cooked recipes from books before and I wanted her to do it for mine.

I love that special touch, that's excellent! Will Across The Universe be a stand alone or can we expect a sequel? If there isn't going to be a sequel do you have another novel in the works?
Beth: Across the Universe is a trilogy! I just finished the rough draft of Book 2, and have an idea of what's going to happen in Book 3.

That's fantastic! I've got to ask, is there anything in the publishing process that surprised you?
Beth: It all surprises me. How fast some things are, how slow others are. How kind everyone is. How amazingly wonderful the whole writing community can be.

I know exactly what you mean about the community. It's pretty amazing! Any closing thoughts to leave us with?
Beth: Keep writing! I wrote for ten years--and wrote ten novels--before I found the right one at the right time.

Thank you so much for joining us Beth and thank you for writing such a fabulous science fiction young adult novel! I can hardly wait to see what you have in store for us next in the series. Hurry over here peeps and pre-order Across The Universe for someone you love or even for yourself. Believe me, you'll want to be in on the book everyone will be talking about next year!


  1. Thanks for posting this interview Heather! Great writing advice from Beth. :) I'm looking forward to my own copy of AtU to arrive.

  2. Great interview! I agree that there should be more YA sci-fi and I'm so excited to read Beth's book. I know it's going to be a great read!

  3. We'll have to talk when our copies arrive and we start reading it Jessica! By the way I love your new profile picture!

  4. Thanks Melissa. I'm so glad to hear you're another sci-fi fan! I'm pretty excited about it too. Hopefully it will start a new trend of sci-fi in YA! I loved the exerpt I read and everyone I know who read an arc said it was amazing!

  5. Great interview, Heather! And thanks for the inspiration at the end, Beth - I needed that! :-)

  6. Fantastic interview Heather! And thanks for visiting Beth! YA-SciFi definitely needs more love :)

    I have been *dying* for my copy of AtU to arrive and this has made me drool even more! How fun that there's a cooking scene.

  7. Great interview, Heather!! The premise makes you want this book, but seeing so much of Beth Revis and realizing how ridiculously sweet and good natured she is makes you desperate to buy a million copies. I love seeing good people get the honors they deserve. :)

    Also, I've never read YA Sci-Fi, but I'm a huge fan of the Sci-Fi genre in general. Very excited to see in done in a whole new way (for me). Hurry up Amazon.com and give me my copy!

  8. Shannon, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I love that Beth inspired you!

    Jamie, I know what you mean. This talk with Beth made me ache to read the book!

    Bethany, I love seein good people get the honors they deserve too! And Beth is awesome. This will be a great YA Sci-fi for you to start with!

  9. I am jumping up and down with excitement about ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, Beth. It's soooo hard to find YA Sci-Fi. I can't wait to get my hands on yours. Your words about perseverance are wonderful as well. I'm so glad to have found your blog, Heather.

  10. I keep hearing about this book and have even put it on my wish list--without even knowing what it was about! Thank you so much for this interview--now I HAVE to read this.

  11. Me too Leslie! I'm so happy to have another great book to add to the frightfully small YA sci-fi pool! Thank you for your kind words. :)

  12. You're welcome Kari! It sounds like it's going to be a really good one. You should check out the sample chapter through B&N. It will suck you in!

  13. I'm excited to read this! Thanks for the interview!

  14. It's on my TBR list, though I have a few other books I need to read first. Great interview!

  15. Lydia, you're welcome! I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

    Stina, I know what you mean. I have a few to get through before I can read it. Chances are it will arrive before I'm ready and I'll be sneaking chapters in between reading another book!

  16. I preordered ATU months ago...and loved the first chapter. I'm excited for Beth and her book birthday. :)

    Fun interview, ladies.

  17. Me too Lola! On all counts! :) Beth is doing great things for the genre. It's a good time for YA!

  18. Heather and Beth, thanks for the inspirational interview. Especially that keep writing part.

    Across the Universe sounds amazing!

  19. Great interview! Thanks, ladies. :o) Best of luck to Beth and her book birthday--I've heard nothing but good about ATU.

  20. Julie, you're most welcome! Beth is right, it's all about the right book at the right time!

    Jackee, thank you!

  21. Great interview! It sounds like a wonderful book.


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