San Diego State Writers' Conference

This weekend my critique sisters and I are off to San Diego for the San Diego State Writers' Conference. It appears to be a conference of a different flavor. Like any other conference we'll get to attend lectures and workshops on the craft of writing and on the publishing industry. What seems to make it stand apart is the way they utilize meals and downtimes as further networking and mingling. During those times the faculty will be available to us on a casual basis to talk to. Most conferences I've been to are strict about not bothering the faculty at all when you aren't in a workshop or specific meeting with them so I'm really looking forward to this alternative way of conferencing.

Another unique feature is what they call the Advanced Reading Appointment. If you add this feature to your conference experience then you get to send in the first ten pages of your manuscript and it is read by an editor often from a major publishing house of your choice. They read your work prior to the conference and then you have a ten minute meeting with them during the conference to discuss it. This is the only conference I've come across that gives you this kind of advanced reading and access to an editor. There are also more traditional type of consultation appointments available where you get the chance to discuss your book with an agent or an editor.

My fingers are crossed that this conference turns out as amazing as it sounds.


  1. Hi Heather, I am really looking forward to this conference. But mostly spending some time with you and Linda. Have a great day... may it go fast! 2 days and counting.

  2. I envy you being able to attend that conference, Heather. More and more, I am beginning to feel isolated down here. I wish you a meeting that brings your publication dreams coming true. Roland

  3. Karlene, me too! So much so that I have no words for it! Come on Friday!

    Roland, I wish you could come with us! Thank you so much for your good wishes.

  4. That sounds like such an amazing conference Heather! How cool that you'll get a sit-down with an editor!!! How did you hear about it? I’m always on the lookout for conferences but usually the only ones I hear about are either from WD or mentioned on Twitter. Both great ways to hear about what’s going on, but I like to know how the individuals find out about it before spreading the word. You’ll have to tell me all about this! I’m dying to go to a conference since I'm suffering withdrawals of being unable to attend one this year, so maybe if you think it’s worthwhile to attend, I might go next year. Have fun!!!

  5. Lindsey, it does sound pretty awesome! Since I knew I couldn't make it to the east coast for conferences this year I did a Google search for conferences in the states close to me, and I came across this one! Then one of my Scribe Sisters said they had gone to it before and really liked it.

  6. Sounds like an amazing conference. I can't wait to hear all the juicy details next week. :)

  7. Wow that sounds great. Best of luck. I actually posted the opening of my novel in my blog today, so if you or any of your commentators are tired of getting critiqued and would like to change hats for a while, constructive criticism is welcome!

  8. ooo, sounds like a lot of fun and opportunities! Good luck and I wish you the best!

  9. Oh, Heather,

    How wonderful does this sound.... What a fantastic opportunity to get a first hand meeting with an editor and also be able to chat with everyone on the down time.

    I had to cancel my scbwi conference in NY. Something came up and I an not able to attend it this weekend. There is always next year. Right?

    I hope you have a fantastic experience with your critique sisters and at the conference.

    Good luck in getting the attention of someone who will want you latest novel.


  10. Karen, I can't wait to come back and tell you all about it!

    Gina, sounds like fun I'll definitely stop by!

  11. Saba, thank you! It should be a ton of fun and I'm long overdue for a bit of that!

    Michael, oh no! I'm so sorry you had to cancel going to SCBWI! But you're right, there is always next year and everything happens for a reason. Thank you so much for your good luck!

  12. Wow, sounds like a great conference. Hope you have a great time!

  13. It really does Alissa! I'm getting pretty excited. Only a few more days...

  14. Super exciting that you get to go and how awesome that you get to go with your writing friends!!!! Have a wonderful time learning, reading, writing, and all the awesomeness that comes with it!!

    (don't for get our blogfest tomorrow!)

  15. Have a great time, and tell us all how it goes!

  16. Erica, yes I feel so lucky that I get to go with my critique group! And there's no way I'd forget your blogfest! I'll be posting and checking out all the entries when I can get a signal!

    Lydia, thanks! Will do, on both counts!

  17. *sneaks into your suitcase* *closes the zipper from inside*

    YAY! I'm going to the conference with you! (Beware when you open your suitcase! LOL.)

    But seriously, I can't be more excited for you! GOOD LUCK! It sounds so amazing! (Particularly the advance reading thing!)

  18. Climb on in Monica! I'll leave the zipper open a little for air! LOL! I wish you could come with us. I know the girls would love to meet you and we'd have a blast together. I'll let you know all about it when I get back!

  19. The conf I went to had a lunch social, and it was great--an edirot or agent hung out at each table and we got to each lunch with them. I had an 'in' with 'an inside woman' and found out who was at which table, and snagged the one with the agent I wanted to meet most!

    Have SO MUCH FUN. And ingore the green going on here at my end. Really, I want to be stuck here in canada with the snow and the moose and stuff. *sniffle* Just make sure you tell us all about it when you get back? *puppy eyes*

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  20. I'm very excited. Tomorrow's the day! For your readers, Heather, who are looking for similar opportunities, there's one coming up in April--The Whidbey Island Writers Conference (near Seattle). Set up differently, with fireside chats with agents, writers, editors, and you do get to request a ten page critique from an agent/editor of your choice.

  21. Angela, I wish you were coming with us! That is so awesome about the conference you went to. I hope this one is like that. Of course I'll tell you all about it!

    Linda, wow that sounds like an excellent conference too! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  22. Angela, I wish you were coming with us! That is so awesome about the conference you went to. I hope this one is like that. Of course I'll tell you all about it!

    Linda, wow that sounds like an excellent conference too! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  23. Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about it :-)


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