Twitter Tuesday~Writers Digest Conference Agents & #QueryTips

If you're submitting or getting ready to then I have a treat for you this week! I happened to catch a literary intern friend of mine who was handing out fantastic #querytips like Halloween candy! First a few other tweets I came across though. This one is by agent Weronika Janczuk and shows just how busy an agent's day can be:
@WeronikaJanczuk To do: reply to client's ?s re: edits; reply to other emails; work on publicity/marketing hdbk; read slush mss, client ms, #queries; write.

Agent Jennifer Laughran gives us a heads up on a YA Novel Workshop:
@literaticat Kickstart Your YA Novel Workshop at Books Inc. with @kristen_tracy and @nina_lacour

Here's something you'll hopefully need soon, an email list for marketing your novel:
@AngelaAckerman How Authors & Writers Can Build An Email List For Marketing - @thecreativepenn

Writers Digest gives us a heads up on the awesome agents attending their conference this month, along with their Twitter handles! (Tip, agents are excellent to follow on Twitter for advice and tips!):
@WritersDigest Awesome lit agents @ WD Conf, Jan 21-23, - @4writers @ChrisRichman @EpsteinLiterary @FolioLiterary @Janet_Reid
@WritersDigest (More!) lit agents @ WD Conf, Jan 21-23, - @jasonashlock @kate_mckean @kid_lit @WolfsonLiterary @trydzinski
@WritersDigest (Even more!) lit agents @ WD Conf, Jan 21-23, - @amachinist @Tor_intheory @RivetingRosie @sztownsend81 @KOrtizzle
@WritersDigest (Still more!) lit agents @ WD Conf, Jan 21-23, - @JoSVolpe @sarahlapolla @Emmanuelle15 @louisefury @ElisabethWeed
@WritersDigest (MORE!) agents @ WD Conf, Jan 21-23, - @daniellechiotti @LoriPerkinsRR @brandibowles @mcorvisiero @michellebrower

These guest features on Chuck Sambuchino's blog are always a good read:
@WritersDigest How I Got My Agent: Laura Spinella - "How I Got My Agent" is a recurring feature on the GLA blog. Some tales are of ...

And the fabulous literary intern Amanada Johnson's #querytips:
@AC_Johnson89 Tell me about your book. Don't tell me themes or that its about a boy whose life changes because of Destiny. Give me the STORY. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 Don't ATTACH your query. the majority of agents don't open unsolicited attachments. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 The phrase "I have recently completed..." makes me nervous. It sounds like you probably haven't had time to edit, personally. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 Plot is essential. I don't know you have it unless you include it in your query. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 Do not query agents who do not represent your genre and/or age group. RESEARCH. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 Rhetorical questions most often make me respond with "Do I care?" or "No." Is that what you want? #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 There is a line between being mysterious (which makes me curious) and being vague (which is obnoxious). Do not be vague. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 Your query is important. Don't pitch your book in 3 sentences if you can do it better in 6 or 13. Take your time; do it right. #querytips
@AC_Johnson89 Publishing credentials only really help you if they're from something we've heard of. #querytips

With all that it's hard to imagine I missed anything but as happening as Twitter is, I'm certain I did! Let me know if there's a great tweet you caught that you'd like to add. I hope you find these helpful!


  1. Thanks for the recap Heather! I missed those #querytips this week.

  2. Heather, with writing, life, blogging and responding to my pilot tweeps, sometimes I miss the writing tweets. So many incredible people. You help me so much to bringing me back into the world of what agents and authors are doing. Thank you so much!!!

  3. You're welcome Michaele! I'm glad I caught them for you!

  4. Karlene, you're welcome! My pleasure!

  5. Wow,

    You have had a busy week. There is so much information. Great tips! Thanks Heather.

    It's snowing like crazy in Chicago.... A good day to stay in and write. lol. I just have to keep up with all the blogging news first. Now for those 2000 words...


  6. Awesome links! I'm so going to check out the email list one... :)

  7. Michael, I have at that! It has been crazy and fun. Happy writing today! Stay warm.

    Elana, thanks! Enjoy!

  8. Heather, you are a bonanza of information today! Those query tips were awesome, thanks so much.

  9. LOL! Thanks Julie. Amanda (the intern) is pretty awesome! I owe many of the great tweets to her!

  10. Wow, Heather. I'm gonna have to favorite this. Great information! You rock! :)

  11. Love the cover to RAMPANT. Thanks for all those links. The record-breaking cold weather has robbed me of my co-worker so I have to brave the cold two nights running. Sheesh! It doesn't pay to be healthy sometimes! Have a great mid-week, Roland

  12. Wow! This is cool. You did all the work for me. THANK YOU. Those query tips are great. I needed the reminder about rhetorical questions. They're so darn tempting, aren't they?

  13. Roland, it is a great cover isn't it? Here's hoping you get some time off soon!

    Katrina, you're welcome! And yes the rhetorical questions are tempting. ;)

  14. Now that I'm working part time (temporarily - *glares at hubby*) it's great to come over here and see what's been happening around the social networks for writers. Thanks for all the great info.! :D

  15. This is gold here Heather! Thanks for sharing, I missed many of the great tips.

  16. Wow, awesome query tips, you're right, and lookit that list of agents. Looks awesome! Thanks, as always.

  17. Love that Angela Ackerman site. Thank you so much for the links, as always!

  18. Brenda, sorry to hear that you're back to work. ;) I'm glad I could help out though!

    Lindsey, you're welcome! I'm glad I could catch them for you!

  19. Amie, I just happened to be on Twitter at the exact right times last week! ;)

    Linda, you're welcome! Yes, huge kudos to Angela for that tweet!

  20. I really need to check out Twitter more often. Thanks for doing this Heather. :D

  21. You're welcome Stina! I'd love to see you on Twitter more. It's my favorite hang out aside from Heather's Odyssey!

  22. Thanks again for the good links (I usually wait for the weekend to get to them or I'd never get anything done around the house!).

    The rhetorical question thing gets me, though (on querytips). I can understand not putting one at the beginning if it's cheesy, like "What would you do if you were trapped in a room with a madman?" (it doesn't matter, just tell me what your mc does!), but other places I like them. Two of my published (by big houses) writing friends helped me write my query and they both suggested I ADD a rhetorical question - and then I got partial requests.

    So subjective. *sigh*

  23. I know exactly what you mean Erica. I think you have to go with what feels right for the ms. In one of my query letters I use a rhetorical question and I feel like it works really well.


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