Monday's Muse~Going Back

This beautiful scene has always put me in the right mood for the novel I wrote last year. Why am I going backward to work on a novel that is finished and edited? Well, because a novel is never truly finished until it is sitting on the bookstore shelves. Last month at the San Diego State Writers' Conference I had an advanced reading session with a fabulous editor who gave me some incredibly helpful feedback. She said that with a bit of fine tuning my manuscript could be great.

Sometimes it takes someone with a sharp eye who is completely removed from the manuscript in any emotional way to point out where it needs improvement. That was exactly the case for my manuscript. The fixes were simple things that made me want to smack my forehead and cry out, "why didn't I see that?" So last week for the remainder of my vacation I've been applying the changes Fabulous Editor suggested to my entire novel. It is polished to a high sheen now and I feel really good about it. Which is important because Fabulous Editor said to contact her when I was finished. :-)

While editing the music that fed my muse was Avril Lavigne and Allison Iraheta. Those artists fit the mood for this novel so well for me. The book that is feeding my muse is Across The Universe by Beth Revis. I'm enjoying it so far and only wish I had more time to read! Any news on the literary front for you? What inspired you last week?


  1. Heather, you know I love this picture! Did you post it for me today? I'm planning writing for hours this afternoon, and you put me in the mood. My granddaughter Kadence is sitting in my lap and I asked what she thought of this picture. She said, "Pretty. That picture is great. It looks like forest trees. I want to go there." Out of the mouth of an almost three year old.
    If you could only hear. That is dat. There is dere... so cute. We're both inspired today. Thank you!

  2. I can't wait to read the new version! I'll bet it blindingly shiny now.

  3. YAY!! I'm so happy that you polished your ms! :D It feels good when you're done with one round of revisions, doesn't it??

    What inspired me last week? Umm... I didn't write much last week either, lol. It's just that my hubby was on vacation, and he always wants to do so many things when he's home that I never have time to write! :P

  4. Karlene, how sweet! I'm touched that I could inspire both you and Kadence. By the time the book comes out she'll be old enough to 'go' there!

    Linda, you'll need sunglasses. ;)

    Monica, it really does! Spending time with the hubby is a great excuse for not writing! We must live to be able to write effectively.

  5. The comments from my posts on earthly angels inspired me. It's amazing to see the love one receives from a total stranger. All the good Samaritans that help out in a crisis, or just to be kind.

    Congrats on the wonderful news and polishing up you novel. I want to hear about a contract in the next post.


  6. Michael, they inspired me too! I love hearing stories like that. Thank you for the congrats! I'd love for you to hear all about that in my next post too! Fingers crossed. ;)

  7. I adore that picture! And nothing on the inspiration front, but I am going to dig into a few new ones this week...yay!

  8. Best of luck finding your inspiration Lydia!

  9. Art is never finished. It is mearly abandoned. My fav quote by Leo Davinchi.

  10. I love that quote Phyllis! Thanks for sharing it.

  11. Wow, great picture and great story! I wish you the best with your revisions and with fab editor!

  12. Thank you so much Elle! I'm still in shock that she wants to see it!

  13. WoW, Heather, this is a breathtaking pic. I’m a sucker for an autumn setting.

    I like to return to my previous works too, def agree with your statement that “a novel is never truly finished until it is sitting on the bookstore shelves".

  14. I have yet to be inspired but your picture is beautiful!! I am in the process now of doing revisions and finally completing my last nano novel! Now that I have had time away from it, I think I can go back and look at it differently. Good luck on your manuscript!!!! :)


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