Carolina's Agent Signing Mega Celebration

Every now and then something fabulous happens to someone who truly deserves it. Now is one of those times. My dear friend Carolina Valdez Miller just signed with agent Vickie Motter! Two of my favorite people are joining forces and I couldn't be happier! The fact that agents are still looking, still falling in love with books, and still signing clients means the industry is still going strong. That's something we all need to celebrate because you never who could be next, it could be you!

As soon as I heard the news I knew it called for a party, so party we shall! And wow, this is one mega party. Carolina wants to give back and pay it forward~because she is fabulous like that~and I wanted to help her. That means some great giveaways for you! Here are the prizes you can enter to win:

*From Heather's Odyssey winner's choice of
*From Critique Sisters Corner winner's choice of
*From Carolina's blog there will be 5 different winners:
  #1 A 1st page critique from agent Vickie Motter of the Andrea Hurst Literary Agency
  #2 A Kindle (must follow all blogs in the giveaway to qualify)
  #3 Signed copy of Escaping into the Open: the Art of Writing True by Elizabeth Berg
  #4 Signed Hardback of Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
  #5 Signed Hardback of Passing Strange by Daniel Waters
*From J. Koyanagi (You will need to subscribe or follow her RSS feed)
  One winner will win: WRITING DOWN THE BONES, by Natalie Goldberg or HOW NOT TO WRITE A NOVEL, by Howard Mittelmark and Sandra Newman or GIVE 'EM WHAT THEY WANT: THE RIGHT WAY TO PITCH YOUR NOVEL TO EDITORS AND AGENTS, by Blythe Camenson and Marshall J. Cook
*From Simon Larter One winner will win all three:
Stephen King's ON WRITING, Ray Bradbury's ZEN IN THE ART OF WRITING, and Anne Lamott's BIRD BY BIRD
*From LK Gardner-Griffie (In lieu of a follow, you will need to LIKE her Fan page) TBA
ANGELFIRE by Courtney Allison Moulton, ANNA AND THE FRENCH, KISS by Stephanie Perkins, HEX HALL by Rachel Hawkins, DEMONGLASS by Rachel Hawkins
 Winner 1: A signed copy of THE DARK DIVINE Winner 2: A signed copy of RAISED BY WOLVES Winner 3: WRITE GREAT FICTION: PLOT & STRUCTURE
*From Lola Sharp SECRET
*From Elizabeth Davis A $25 Amazon gift card
*From Tracey Neithercott A Hardcover of Across the Universe
*From Kristen Yard
A Signed copy of PERSONAL DEMONS by Lisa Desrochers
*From Christine Fonseca (You will need to subscribe to her blog):
 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids: The Ultimate Guide Or A partial Critique
*From Jonathon Arntson A $15 Barnes and Noble gift card

The rules: You must be a follower to enter (new and old followers are welcome!) and leave a comment on the post you wish to enter to win. Please see each page for specifics on their prizes and rules. The contests close April 1st and winners will be announced by April 4th. Hurry, click on each of the links and leave a comment! Best of luck everyone!


  1. Woo hoo for Carolina! And thanks for the opportunity to win a book, Heather!

  2. Yay for Carol! (And so nice "meeting" you through this contest!)

  3. Oh my gosh! Congrats to Carolina--and what awesome support from the blogosphere :-)


  4. SO happy for Carol!! :)

    Great prizes!

  5. So excited for Carol!!!! And for her having great friends like yourself! ;)

  6. I owe you so mega, Heather. Can't tell you how happy you've made me. You're a dear friend, and I will treasure you always. Thank you so much for such kind words! *HUGE HUGS*

  7. Nice to "meet" you Heather! I'm so happy to take part in the celebration for Carol with you!

  8. So exciting! Very nice to meet you.

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  9. Congrats to Carolina, that is so amazing! And Heather I'm a new follower and I really look forward to following your blog!

    Jamie @ Bookerella

  10. Yippee! Jumping up and down for her!

  11. Yay, Carol! Yay, Heather! Yay everybody! Yay in general!

    Er...sorry. Got a bit carried away with the yays, there.


  12. Hi, Heather...

    Congrats Carol! This is one awesome giveaway!

    Congrats on 300 plus followers!


  13. Twirling around and jumping and cheering for Carol!


  14. So awesome!!! Congratulations to Carolina!!! Woohoo! *throws confetti* It's always nice to start the week off with great news. :D

  15. Heather, you are awesome in so many ways!!!! XOXO Karlene

  16. Congratulations to Carol--she surely deserves this!

  17. So excited for Carolina.


  18. I'm so exciteed for Carol. She is the sweetest. She truely deserves this.

  19. So excited for Carol! She is one awesome chica. :)

  20. Great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  21. It's always great to hear about someone finding an agent.

    Can I enter or am I on the wrong side of the pond?

  22. Woooo! I just saw this over on her blog. Massive congrats!

  23. Thanks fdor being the inspiration for this celebration. I see you 'round on twitter & Carol keeps telling me we'd be great friends, so I'm sure it's true. ;)

    Congrats!!!!! Carol.

  24. Congrats to Carolina and I'm following you now, Heather. ; )

  25. YAY!!! So exciting! :D
    Congrats to Carolina, too! :D

  26. So excited for Carolina! She's such a kind person and I look forward to seeing her "baby" in print.

  27. Great prizes and we're all so happy for Carol!

  28. Any one of us getting an agent is definitely a cause for celebration!

  29. SQUEEEEEE! Yay for Carolina! I'm so happy for her. These are some awesome prizes, guys. I'm popping over to Carolina's blog to congratulate her :D

  30. Carol is awesome and I'm so excited for her. Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. New follower here! I am so excited for Carol! She's very deserving! :)

  32. What a list, this is great Heather!! You definitely know how to party! Congrats to Carolina Valdez Miller for signing on with Vickie!

  33. Hello Heather,

    So glad to meet you! I am always excited to add another writer that I can stalk. ;) Thanks for the contest. Most of all, congrats to Carol!!

  34. I am so happy for Carolina. Now, the hard part begins ... the agent finding a willing publisher. One important step has been made. So many more to go. Good fortune, Carol. Roland

  35. So delighted for her, so well deserved! I won't enter your comp, because Grave Witch arrived in the post just today (hooray!), so it seems a bit grabby to enter again. I just wanted to join in the happy dancing and celebrating!

  36. I was so excited when I saw Carolyn's news yesterday. :D

  37. Happy for your friends, Heather.
    This looks like a great party. I might look into one or two of these.

    Thanks for sharing!

  38. Hi Heather! I'm so happy for Carolina, and you're a love to help her celebrate. Count me in for the giveaway!!! ((hugs))

  39. This was so much fun! Thanks for throwing a party for Carol!

  40. Congratulations, Carol! nice to know it happens

  41. This is such a great idea! Congratulations to Carol, and nice to meet all these writers and find their blogs!
    Donna Leonard

  42. Parties are so fun!

  43. Congrats to Carol!
    This is an amazing giveaway

  44. So exciting! And this is a really fantastic giveaway!

  45. Yay, Carol! So happy for her. Thanks for the great giveaway, Heather.

  46. I don't think I know Carol, but I'm anxious to hear more about her journey! You're great for hosting this party, too!!

  47. I'm late to the party, but yay for Carol! Next could be YOU, Heather!!! christy

  48. Yay for Carol! And now I'm following you, too. :-D

  49. New follwer and happy to get to now so many blogs


  50. Such great giveaways! And such fantastic news!!!

  51. So exciting isn't it? Someday this will be you and we'll throw a party for you-- karma, baby! ;)

  52. I came over from Carol's blogs. Lots of kudos to her on getting an agent. She's a lucky woman to have such good friends!

  53. Wow! Congrats to Carol! Wonderful news!

  54. Reading good news is always inspiring.

    Congrats to Carol!

  55. Nice to meet you Heather - your novels sound so interesting! I'm hopping over from Carolina's blog - congrats to her and good luck to you!

  56. Great news and Great Giveaways!

    JaidisShaw at yahoo dot com

  57. I'm joining the party late! I'm a follower!


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