The Writing Community Takes Action

Watching the news lately breaks my heart but part of me feels compelled to watch, as if I am somehow obligated to bear witness and remember so the people who have died and suffered will not have done so in vain. Those of you who know that Heather's Odyssey is strictly a writing focused blog may be wondering what this has to do with writing. Life has everything to do with writing for me. Much of what I see and experience makes it into my writing in some way, shape, or form. But it's more than that.

The writing community is one of the most amazing communities I know of because when something bad happens, it comes together to help. In the wake of the horrible tragedy that has befallen Japan the writing community has done just that. Led by author Keris Stainton, a generous group of authors is auctioning off everything from signed books to manuscript critiques. The proceeds will go to relief efforts in Japan. If you've been wondering what you can do to help, this is an excellent avenue. Check out Authors For Japan and bid on something today. Your bid will save lives.

I'm proud to be part of the writing community and organizations like Authors For Japan are a big reason why. All the good intentions in the world are useless without action. We add action to intentions and the world is a little bit better for it. Thank you all for being part of that.


  1. This is great Heather! Thanks for sharing the link. I'm going to definitely check it out.

  2. HI, Heather,

    I read about this on another bloggers site. It is fantastic. Thanks for the reminder.


  3. Karen, you're welcome! It's an amazing site.

    Michael, that's fantastic! I'm so glad the word is being spread.

  4. The devastation is almost incomprehensible. To see it is to have your heart wrenched and broken, even if you don't know people there. thank you for this link to a way to help, and for reminding us that authors are people who are deeply connected to the world.

  5. Each of who helps add to the momentum of aid that can help those hurting. And if we help one hurting heart, then we have not labored in vain. Thanks for spreading the word about the links. Roland

  6. Linda, it is almost too much to take in. SO true. Seeing the wonderful people that have come together to help warms my heart though.

    Roland, exactly! You're so welcome, thank you!

  7. Thank you for the link! It is wonderful to see bloggers, and others, reaching out to help others who need relief from events like the Japan earthquake and tsunami.

  8. I love this community. They always are the first to step up. :) Thanks for spreading the news.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse

  9. Golden eagle, it is a wonderful thing isn't it?!

    Angela, they are, so true. You're welcome! It's my pleasure to help spread the news.

  10. I agree with you. Life is a part of our writing. I am supporting another group that is doing the same thing.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium, Special .99 through April 30

  11. This is awesome. Thanks for sharing it!

  12. N.R., thank you so much for the link! I'll be sure to check it out.

    Christopher, you're most welcome!

  13. Such a great charity. So proud to be a part of this community. It's heartwarming to see everyone coming together in the wake of this tragedy.

  14. I just saw this one today (from Rachael Harris and Marieke):

    It is an amazing outpouring of support - I remember how much was raised by author auctions for Nashville last year after the flooding. It's a wonderful community to be a small part of!

  15. Carolina, it really is! This is when the nature of people shows through and I'm proud of the nature of our people. :)

    Erica, thank you for the link! I love seeing more and more organizations within the writing community doing so much good! It's a great feeling.

  16. It's so great to see the writing community rally for such a terrible tragedy.
    Thanks Heather!

  17. Yet another of the many many reasons I love this community! Thanks for helping spread the word Heather. You rock!

  18. Lydia, it is for sure! You're welcome.

    Lisa, you're welcome. Thank you for being such an inspiring part of this community!

  19. It's so heartening to see things like this happening--it shines a little light at a very dark time.

  20. Heather - And btw I left you a little something on the blog...

  21. Amie, it really does. A light, I like that. Very well said!

    Lisa, how exciting! I'm on my way!

  22. I'm so proud of our writing-blogging community. We come out in full force each time tragedy strikes.

  23. It's such a good cause, isn't it? I have some books up there for auction and I can't believe the generosity of people! Keris did such a great job pulling it together so quickly.

  24. Theresa, me too! They are pretty amazing.

    Tallie, it is! I saw on your blog that you've posted about it too! That's fantastic that you have some books up for auction. You rock!


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