Twitter Tuesday~Contests, Opportunities With Agents, & More

There are some tweets in here you don't want to miss! The first one up is a cruise with~among others~the fabulous Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency. I wish I could go in an awful way! If you get to go be sure to tell me all about it:
@DeidreKnight I'm going to be speaking on a fab cruise in Aug! Intimate group, great chance to interact with me on a vacay! Deadline soon!

Here is some big news shared by a Twitter friend of mine about the changing model for E-books involving the Big Six publishers:
@debamarshall The last of the Big Six makes its change Random House Switches to Agency Model For E-book Sales:

Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest shares his interview with agent Eddie Schneider. If you write MG or YA you must check this out:
@ChuckSambuchino Interview with agent Eddie Schneider of JABberwocky Literary who is seeking fiction, kids fiction & nonfiction

Writer's Digest features agent Andrea Hurst in a webinar that includes a free critique for those joining in:
@WritersDigest Lit agent Andrea Hurst is teaching a webinar on writing dynamite fiction (includes free critique!) - Mar 3 -

I hope you had a chance to participate in this opportunity with The Knight Agency. If you did and you make it through be sure to let me know and I'll cheer you on!
@KnightAgency Remember the mondo-sized contest we teased yesterday? The preview is up! Want to b a part of the TKA fam? Here's how:

Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest shares a transcript of her fabulous chat full of great tips for writers:
@JaneFriedman Here's a transcript of my chat at #bookmarket. Full of good social media tips:

For those who have voted for my novel, The Secret Of Spruce Knoll, in the Gatekeeper Writer Discovery contest, thanks a million. I truly appreciate it. If you haven't caught it yet or just want a peek at my writing check it out:
@HeatherMcCorkle For a taste of my #writing check out my Gatekeeper contest entry: Thanks to all who have voted, love yah!

Already the great tweets from this week are racking up and I'm excited about what I'll have to share with you next Tuesday!


  1.'ve put together a great list of links! Thank you.

  2. Great links as always. Thanks, Heather!

  3. This is another great list Heather! I wish I could go on that cruise, too!

  4. Salarsen, you're welcome! Glad you like them. :)

    Kristi, you're welcome!

    Melissa, thank you. Wouldn't that be fun?!

  5. Love the roundup, Heather. Thank you!

  6. What a great list of links you've put up, Heather. Of course, I would be rushing off to work and not be able to check on them. Have a great day, Roland

  7. Linda, you're welcome! I wish we the Critique Sisters could go on that cruise!

    Roland, thank you! They'll be here when you get back. :)

  8. Great post. And I love your masthead picture!

  9. Heather... these are awesome. I definitely need to check these out.

    If you can pop back over to my blog and leave your email, I can enter you in Roland's awesome book giveaway. I know you don't want to miss out.


  10. Christopher, thank you! I'm glad you like both. :)

    Michael, will do!

  11. Thanks for the info!! As always, you're so helpful!
    So I did go to vote, but I'm not sure if I did things correctly... I did the FB thing tho, and I'm sure that went well, lol!

  12. Thank you Monica, how sweet! At this point I'm in the running but it's still early in the month. I hope you enjoyed it!

  13. Thanks for the twitter connections Heather. As always... wonderful!

  14. I loved your entry (and you got my vote) :-)

    Well done!


  15. Another Tuesday of great links. Thanks, Heather. There's no way I could cull these out on my own.

  16. Karlene, you're very welcome!

    Portia, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! :)

    VR, you're welcome! I'm glad I could help.

  17. Love the new picture in your header! Beautiful!! Ack! Hope I'm not too late to vote! Going there now!!! :)

  18. Heather, I love your weekly Tweet digest. It really helps to keep me in the know!

  19. Melissa, thank you so much! You're not too late at all. They're taking votes until March 30th!

    Alissa, thank you. I'm glad it helps!

  20. I voted for you. :)

    And, another fabulous tweet round up.


  21. Thanks for that roundup, Heather! I missed those!


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