Twitter Tuesday~Submissions, New Agents, & Contests

Wow what a week. I've been caught up in the whirlwind that is finishing a novel and preparing for editing. But of course I made time to drop in on Twitter and find a few good tweets for you peeps. This first one is an interview by Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest featuring a new agent with Folio Literary:

@WritersDigest New Agent Alert: Sarah Sper McLellan of Folio Literary - Reminder: Newer agents are golden opportunities for new wri...

Ever wonder why I think Chuck from WD is the shiz? Check out his interview with @PStoltey and you'll see why!
@ChuckSambuchino I talked about submissions and researching agents in my interview with @PStoltey on the @Chiseledinrock blog:

Agent Sarah LaPolla brings us this great link on what's hot in Sci-Fi right now (and what she wants to see):
@sarahlapolla Sci-fi writers (who want to query me), read this 1st. I want a Firefly, not a Star Trek:  (via @largeheartedboy)

My friend Shelley is hosting an AMAZING contest with a prize that will blow you away. You don't want to miss this:
@Shelley_Watters Twitter Pitch Contest on my blog, prize is a FULL MS REQUEST from Suzie Townsend!

Agent Charlie Olsen gives us a few tips on what he wants to see among his queries:
@ComicsisPeople Want The Fifth Element in my query pile. Or Dune. Or something about space colonies. Violent, fast, plotty. Prty pls? #relevant2myinterests

The #WriteOnCon ladies are at it again, creating magic and opportunity. Don't miss this:
@Casey_McCormick Did you guys see what we've cooked up for the month of April over at #WriteOnCon? Awesome opportunity x3!

That should give you enough to keep you busy for a while!


  1. So much great stuff going on! And thanks for that Sci-fi tweet, I passed it along to a friend who might be interested...

  2. Another excellent Twitter Tuesday! I checked out Shelly's contest. That's incredible. Amazing yes! I might just pitch one of my new novels despite it's not adult paranormal. You never know. Maybe Suzie wants the next Janet Evonovich. :) Thanks Heather!

  3. As always, I look forward to your Twitter Tuesdays. This one was filled with golden opportunities. Have a great week, Roland

  4. Thanks, Heather. Love that interview with Chuck Sambuchino by PStoltey. Good stuff as always!

  5. Lisa, excellent! I hope it helps them!

    Karlene, thank you. You should do the contest! It doesn't hurt to try!

  6. Roland, I hope one of those opportunities helps you! :)

    Linda, you're welcome. That was a great interview wasn't it?!

  7. As always you find some amazing tweets! Thanks, Heather.

  8. Wow! Such great links. I'm not on Twitter so I miss a ton of this

  9. Elizabeth, thanks! I hope they were helpful.

    Golden Eagle, you're welcome!

  10. Michael, you're welcome! Thank you!

    Bekah, no worries, I'll keep you updated every week! Thank you so much for stopping by and for following. :) I'm off to check out your blog.

  11. These are some great tweets! Thanks for sharing the links!

  12. Thanks for the links. I'm not on twitter so I would have missed them.

  13. Melissa, you're welcome!

    Natalie, I'm glad I could help out!

  14. Heather, there were some great tweets here that I missed. Thanks so much!

  15. Another great Twitter Tuesday :) Thanks, Heather.


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