Monday's Muse~Spruce Knoll

I'm so happy to see that you're all still with me after the Blogger gremlin invasion last week! I had no idea how much I loved the blogging community until I couldn't interact with it. There may or may not have been heavy objects thrown. I will never tell. Last week I took a break from my new work in progress to go back and do some revisions on The Secret Of Spruce Knoll. This picture is one of the one's that inspired me for my main character.

There may be something exciting in the works with this novel but I can't say just what yet. This latest revisions fleshed out my characters and gave them wonderful depth. I'm really excited with the end result and will soon be sending it off to my Critique Sisters. After that, well you'll just have to wait and see!

I'm reading Popular by my friend Alissa Grosso and am loving it. This novel was well worth the wait. If you haven't checked it out yet definitely do, you won't be sorry. Up next is either Possession by Elana Johnson or Hourglass by Myra McEntire, whichever arrives first! I won Hourglass from Lydia over at The Word Is My Oyster (thank you so much Lydia! And if you aren't already following this great lady OMG why not?!) and I have pre-ordered Possession. Reading books written by my friends adds something special to it that I just can't explain but LOVE!

While revising Spruce Knoll I have reverted back to old Avril Lavigne CD's and Allison Iraheta. I'm so happy that circumstances drew me back to this novel because I had forgotten how much I loved it. Have you ever gone back to something you were almost ready to shelve and breathed new life into it? Have you ever shelved a novel you wish you hadn't?


  1. Actually... I'm heading into revisions on my WIP, but I already started thinking about going back to an old project of mine and seeing what could done... :D

  2. It's been a while since I had a peek at Spruce Knoll—this is exciting!!

  3. Sounds like you have some exciting things going on with the revisions. Love it!

    Ha, nope I have yet to regret shelving a novel. I do however, plan to revisit a ghost story that I shelved when I start submitting to agents later this year.

  4. Heather, what a darling muse! We'll have to invite her to the book signing! It's such a fun thing to go back and revisit our work. I'm enjoying it more than the first time. Now I know how important it is to not send out too soon. I thought mine was ready. Not. Such a fun process. I am still looking for music for you!

  5. I was SO relieved to learn that said blogging germlin invasion was affecting more people than just me! So glad to be back to the bloggin world [sigh]...

    Also, I love this pic. At this point, I'm intrigued with Spruce Knoll for none other than the fact I'm wildly obsessed with this girl's outfit. Haha! Happy writing!

  6. It's good to go back to an old novel because you have grown as a writer. Also you have the necessary distance to see where it paths should have gone. And you see just how much of worth is still there. I wish you luck in whatever is "in the works" for it. Roland

  7. Lisa, go for it! You might be surprised that you ever left it. I was!

    Linda, I can hardly wait for you to read the edited/revised version!

    Karen, good for you! I'm so excited for you to start submitting. I know great things are going to happen for you.

  8. Karlene, most agents and editors say that is what's wrong with the majority of their submissions, they were sent too soon. Since most of them require a project to be 90% 'there' that puts the pressure on us!

    Julie, me too! I'm glad you like the pic. You'll love the character even more!

  9. You know I'm so happy that you're revising Spruce Knoll!! YAY for you! :D
    And I still can't get how you can listen to music while you write!!

  10. I was so glad you won, Heather. I'm probably going to read it too, as soon as it's out.
    Good luck with your revisions!

  11. Monica, thank you, me too! I admit, I have to turn the music down low. ;)

    Lydia, me too! I have a feeling it's going to be great so I don't think you'll be disappointed! Thanks for the good luck! :)

  12. I have an old novel I keep thinking about going back to. It almost makes me feel like I'd be visiting an old friend - maybe I'll have to take another look! And I'm so glad things are going well with Spruce Knoll!!! Hopefully we get to hear the good news soon!

  13. Well, I can't wait to hear what's up with this story!

  14. Jamie, you should go back to it! You never know what you'll find. :) It might be more than worth it.

    Lorelei, love the new avitar, creepy! I can hardly wait to tell you what's up with Spruce Knoll! Good things is all I cna say right now. :)

  15. Yes, I'm working on my one and only manuscript again. I loved Possession and really want to read Hourglass. Hope you like them. And good luck with the revisions. I often have to go back to flesh thinks out.

  16. Yay for Spruce Knoll!!! So excited for you and whatever news you have!!! christy :0)

  17. Ooh, love the pikkie, and yay for re-opening your WIP :) My CP is doing a complete redraft of a shelved book right now, and it's awesome to see how excited she is! :)



  18. So the blogging gremlin is to blame for me losing most of my comments on one of posts? Good to know. Seriously, just the name of your manuscript makes me want to read it. Good luck with the revisions! :D

  19. Good luck with the new revisions. I know they'll rock. :D

    I'm looking forward to reading Possession. Unfortunately I pre-ordered it with Suzanne Young's new book, which is due out a few weeks later . . . in time for me to go off to the NYC RWA conf. Which means I have to wait even longer to read it. :P

  20. Natalie, I have no doubt you'll get things just as you want them and it will be brilliant!

    Christy, thank you so much! I'm pretty excited too!

    Rachael, that's awesome that your CP is going back to one of her shelved novels!

  21. Brenda, yep, blame it on the gremlin. He ate several of my comments too and many people's posts! Thank you so much, I can't wait for the moment when you can hold my novel in your hands! Then of course I'll die from suspense wondering if you like it. ;)

    Stina, thank you! Oh no! I'm dying to read Possession so much that I'll be at the bookstore the day after release. ;)


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