Twitter Tuesday~From Book Giveaway To Industry Advice

From book giveaways to industry advice, I've got a lot of great links for you today! They are tweets of a different flavor than you may be used to seeing so I hope you enjoy them and find them useful. This first one is a contest to win the bestselling YA novel Divergent!
@HeatherMcCorkle Win a signed copy of DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth from the lovely Carolina Valdez Miller!
If you write non-fiction, YA, thrillers, or international fiction and are looking for an agent then don't miss this new agent feature by Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest:
@WritersDigest New Agent Alert: Jeff Ourvan of the Jennifer Lyons Literary Agency

Agent Mandy Hubbard brings us a few great publishing tips:
@MandyHubbard #pubtrip scoop: almost universally, pubs are short on MG stuff. Some say only 10% of their subs are MG!
@MandyHubbard #Pubtrip scoop cont: some eds still have not acq a dystopian and are looking, but feel it needs to happen soon or they miss the boat

If you're researching or will be soon you don't want to miss these tips from Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest:
@JaneFriedman 5 excellent research resources you may not know about (+ search tips and tricks):

If you've thought about self-publishing then you need to reach this!
@WritersDigest Should You Self-Publish After a Near-Miss? - Writers often ask if it's wise or helpful to self-publish their work if...

Think all self-published books are crap? Love self-publishing and think it's the future? Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest explores the debate:
@JaneFriedman The "Self-Pub Is Crap" Debate:  (Let's stop taking sides)

I hope you enjoyed the different flavors of tweets this week. I thought it would be fun to mix it up a bit.


  1. Thanks for the great links, Heather.

  2. I always look forward to Tuesday and all your great links, Heather. You make my blogging life the richer for being in it. Thank you just for being you, Roland

  3. Heather, Thanks for more great info! I love the information on the self-publishing. I don't think it's a dirty word any longer.

  4. Betsy, you're welcome!

    Roland, thank you. I'm so happy I could help! You enrich mine as well. :)

    Karlene, so true. The industry is changing in leaps and bounds.

  5. HURRAY for Twitter Tuesday!! You are the best at finding these, Heather. :-)

  6. Great links as always, my dear! Love Twitter Tuesday! :D

  7. I seem to always catch you on your linky days. Thank you!

  8. Hi, Heather,

    Nice to be back on Twitter Tuesday. Re-entering back into the chilly Chicago spring took longer than I anticipated. I had a three day tease of summer when I returned only to revert back to the winter...

    I always get so much out of your Tuesday post. Thanks for keeping us informed. We all need all the help we can get.


  9. Shannon, I do what I can. :)

    Paul and Golden Eagle, you're welcome!

    Tina, I love that you love them! LOL!

  10. Salarsen, I'm glad you do! :)

    Michael, ah yes, the unpredictability of spring. I'm glad I could help you out with information!

  11. More awesome links, Heather. Thanks! Tweeting now.

  12. LOL And the self-published battle rages on. ;)


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