Twitter Tuesday~From New Agents To Marketing

I hope you all had a great Memorial day weekend and enjoyed tons of excellent barbequing, visits with family, and reflecting on all that others sacrifice for us. With the mushy stuff out of the way, let's get to your links! This first one is a flash fiction contest from agent Sarah LaPolla:
@sarahlapolla For other flash fiction contest needs... I'm judging @womenonwriting's Spring 2011 contest! Details here :
For those who were under a rock and didn't know, last week was BEA (Book Expo America), the biggest book expo on our lovely continent. Writer's Digest brings us this list of trends from the Expo that writers need to stay on top of:
@WritersDigest 3 Publishing Trends Writers Must Stay On Top Of - This week marks the publishing industry's largest trade show, Book...
Agent Jennifer Laughran throws down for her client (and makes me glad my checks won't be coming from a 'traditional' publisher):
@literaticat Oh hi, publisher who has owed my client money for 8 months. I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU, & I KNOW WHAT YOU PAID FOR THIS BOOTH. #schmucks #bea11
Agent Sarah LaPolla brings us this video on sex scenes in YA:
@sarahlapolla If you are a YA writer thinking of writing a sex scene, might I suggest watching this video?
Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest brings us another great new agent interview:
@WritersDigest New lit agent seeking literary fiction, young adult and more: Rachel Stout of Dystel and Goderich

And this one is just because I love the author Leah Cypess and am dying to read her next book!
@MarthaMihalick Neat-o alert! @LeahCypess is doing a "Making of Nightspell" blog tour. Part 1:

Jane Friedman of Writer's Digest warns us not to go it alone when it comes to marketing:
@JaneFriedman A critical marketing secret: Don't go it alone (my guest post today for W-Unboxed):
Hopefully next week I'll have a few more for you. I was super busy last week working on my back cover and flap text (so much fun!). Don't worry, I'll be writing a detailed post about my experience soon. Tomorrow though I have something special for you, an interview with debut author Myra McEntire!


  1. Great links as always. Congrats on being published yourself. May this week bring only happy surprises, Roland

  2. All right, Jennifer Laughran! Great links. Thanks! Can't wait to read more about your publishing process.

  3. Roland, thank you! So far it has. :)

    Linda, good for her huh?! That's the kind of agent we all dream about! Look for my first post on the publishing process next week!

  4. How did I miss your book was being published?! I just went back to read your post after I saw Roland's comment. Congratulations! :)

    Thanks for the links!

  5. My head is spinning with all the AMAZING posts Heather. My you have been a very busy lady.

    Thank you so much for ALL these incredible links...

  6. Glad you enjoyed your weekend! We did the relaxed BBQ thing, too. It's nice once in a while. Thanks for the links.

  7. Heather Thank you so much for all these excellent links!! You are the best. And we all appreciate your help. You're like my personal secretary... telling me what's important in my day.

  8. Roland's right - great links (and thank you) and congrats on being published yourself!

  9. Golden Eagle, thank you so much!

    Michael, in a good way I hope! I have been busy indeed.

  10. Salarsen, thanks! It is really nice to kick back and relax with a great BBQ now and then. Glad to hear you had a good weekend too!

    Karlene, you're welcome! Glad I could help. Now drink your fluids and get some rest. ;)

  11. Oh HELPFUL! I'll forward this to some of my friends :D

  12. I'm a day late but just as appreciative as always! Thanks for the round-up, Heather. :-)

  13. I'm off to check out the one on YA sex scenes. :D


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