Twitter Tuesday~Trends, Contests, And Industry Advice

Since I was editing until my eyes bled (not really, don't worry, it just felt like it) I didn't make it on Twitter much last week. But I did catch a great contest and some good advice for you. This first one is from agent Sarah LaPolla brings us this tweet from an agent who answers the ever popular word count question: @sarahlapolla Children's/MG/YA Writers: If you're still questioning what your word count should be, read this post by @literaticat:

Would you like your first 30 pages critiqued by an editor with a great mid-sized house? Then check this out:
@HeatherMcCorkle Fabulous interview & giveaway with @EgmontGal editor with Egmont USA! Not to be missed! #WritersRoad #writing

Agent Sarah LaPolla muses upon the evolution of YA:
@sarahlapolla In which I talk about the evolution of YA literature... w/ no real conclusion:

Agent Ginger Clark brings us a tough truth about traditional publishing:
@Ginger_Clark Authors: it's a sad fact, but the title you have your heart set on probably won't survive marketing and publicity's input

Wondering about trends in YA? Agent Mandy Hubbard dishes:
@MandyHubbard After 37 meetings at every major publisher, I give you: An Epic Post on Trends in YA and MG: #Kidlitchat

Have a YA contemporary about teens and their summer job? Agent Mandy Hubbard wants to see it if so:
@MandyHubbard You know what I would *LOVE* for my list? A contemp YA built around a group of teens and their crappy (summer?) job. Snarky & fun.

Writer Shelley Watters brings us another fantastic agent-judged contest. Hurry and sign up!
@Shelley_Watters Speaking of contests - go check out my blog - I've got an agent-judged contest starting soon! Go sign up!

Feel free to leave a link to anything great I may have missed, even if it's one of your own tweets!


  1. Great roundup of what looks to be some really interesting blog posts, thanks Heather!

  2. Great stuff!! Thanks for the tips!

  3. Nice links, as always, thanks Heather!

  4. I've been so busy hopping these links that it took me 20 minutes to get my comment in! :-)

  5. Heather, thanks so much for all the great twitter tips again. I'm so impressed the great community the YA group is. It makes all writers want to be a part of it. You're the best!

  6. Thanks again for the amazing links, Heather!

  7. Sarah, I'm glad you liked them. :)

    Lisa, Linda, Salarsen, you're welcome!

    Shannon, you sound like me! LOL! I do that all that time and then have to got back.

    Karlene, that's so sweet of you! They are a pretty amazing community.

    Michael, you're welcome!

  8. Lots of great links for Twitter Tuesday. Love the link from Mandy Hubbard about trends! :)

  9. Good luck with the editing, Heather!

    And Ginger is so right about the title. Always choose one you're not totally in love with.

  10. Karen, that was one of my favorite links too!

    Elana, ah yes. Unfortunately so true. It's a shame really that we don't have more control. But they know best I guess!

  11. Great round up, as always, Heather!

  12. Thanks for the great links... First time on your blog and now a follower...


  13. Talli, thanks!

    Lydia, you're welcome!

    Tania, thank you so much for stopping by and for following. I'm glad I could provide you with some helpful links! Hopefully I can bring you many more in the future. :)


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