Last Stops on the Tour

Today is the last day of the Puca tour. While I'm sad to have it end, I'm exhausted! But in a very good way. The outpouring of support and love for this novel has blown me away. I can't thank you all enough. But I'd like to try. If you'd like some swag click on the Contact Me button above and leave me your email through that form and I'll contact you.

The last two stops on the tour are with my friend Kitty Howard, who did an in-depth interview with me that you won't want to miss, and author G.P. Ching who is shouting out for me. Remember, you can get more points by stopping by their blogs. Then don't forget to fill out the form below to win these fantastic books by author Saundra Mitchell (one of my favorite authors ever, seriously, EVER!):

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Congrats on finishing the blog tour. Now go rest up!!!! :)

    1. Thanks Stina! Yes I definitely need a rest now. Whew! It has been fun though.

  2. I'll simply second Stina's sentiment! Have a wonderful weekend! Great job.

  3. All good things must come to an end. Blog tours included. But it's been awesome participating, checking out other blogs and seeing this tour chug along with strength!

    1. Thanks Angela, I'm so glad you've enjoyed it!

  4. Fantastic job, Heather. Wishing you equally fantastic results with this great book.

  5. Great job!!! Heather!! I'm so happy for you and look forward to even more wonderful books from you *no pressure, honest! :D*

    Oh and everyone, if you would like a chance to read Heather's awesome new read, "To Ride a Puca" then hop over to my blog and enter to win a copy :) As part of the Indie Author blog hop giveaway, Heather's book is one of four books I am featuring :D

    1. I'm honored Saba, thank you so much! I'll be sure to stop by. :)

  6. Congratulations Heather on a great tour. So... my new copy of Secret of Spruce Knoll arrived (needed one with the new cover). My copy of Channeler's Choice arrived. But no Puca! So...I just checked with Amazon and it didn't ship for some reason. But now I have something to look forward to. It is on its way. I have lots of reading to do, and can hardly wait. You're the best! And I know all you touch will be successful!

  7. Congrats on another successful tour, Heather. You work hard and you deserve every success!

  8. That sounds exhausting, but still worth all the work! Congrats!


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