Puca Tour Day 13~Visiting Laura

Before the tour fun, how about a Tuesday Writing Tip. Today's #writetip: Explore new locations for your novels. If you can't visit the locations, do thorough research and Google the location, both for maps and websites. Google maps (and other search engines) will give you a satellite view that often can zoom right in on the streets of the place you want to use for a location in your book. If you haven't tried that you've got to, it's awesome! On to the Puca tour now.

Today for the Puca tour I'm over at author Laura Pauling's blog. If you don't know Laura or her novel, be sure to stop by, you'll love her! Oh yeah, and I designed the cover for her book, so you know you want to see that! ;)

This week I’m giving away a signed hardback of LACRIMOSA by Christine Fonseca. This book is unique among angel stories and once you read it, you will never look at angels and demons the same again. It is one of my favorite books, trust me you’ll love it! The contest will be open until June 10th, the winner to be announced on the 11th.

To Ride A Puca is available in eBook and hardback at B&NAmazonThe Book Depository and other retail sites.

Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm heading there right now. I wish you luck on this book blog tour. May your sales be skyrocket high! Roland

    1. Thank you so much for the well wishes Roland!

  2. Excellent writing tip! Creating authenticity in your novel's setting is HUGE.

  3. Hooray for Google Maps. I love exploring places around the world with it. :)

    1. Me too! It's a great feature for deciding where to stay on vacation too.

  4. Yes!! I love google maps and they have worked great for me--but not so much for a friend who wanted to learn more about China...apparently, you can't zoom google earth in China so much. There must be some restriction or something.
    Anyway, congrats on this giveaway!! I love what you're doing with your books and with your press!! I'm so proud of you!! <333

    1. Nope, China blocks it, that and a lot of internet. Kind of scary when you think about it. And aw, thanks!

  5. Thanks for the writers tip. I'm not writing on China, so google map will be perfect:) and Country or Survival-survival.


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