Never Surrender Release Celebration

This week my writing goal is a bit different than normal. It is to help a fabulous author friend of mine with the release of her second novel through Simon Pulse, SURRENDER by Elana Johnson. If you haven't read the first novel, POSSESSION, quick click this link and get it! She also has a novella out (Regret) that you won't want to miss either. And if you don't know Elana, she is one of the most generous, sweet people I've ever met.

During Elana's tour she's giving out 3 B&N gift cards (told you she was sweet!). For my part in the blogfest I'm blogging about a time when I didn't surrender.

On Christmas day of 2005 my horse kicked me in the face, shattering my orbital socket and literally rearranging my face. When the doctors put me back together I decided right then and there that I would never be vain again. I was happy just to be alive and look normal. It was one of the worst experiences of my life and I could have let it beat me, but I didn't. I had put my writing aside, thinking I'd get to it when I retired. That day made me realize life was too short for such thinking and I began writing again as soon as I could see out of both eyes. Since then I haven't let anything get in the way of my dreams of bringing my books to the world.

Is there a time in your life when you didn't surrender? I'd love to hear about it. And don't forget to check on Elana's blogfest to read more stories, buy her novels, and enter the giveaway. To get started click here.

In honor of Elana's release party there is no stop along the Puca tour today, but you can still enter by scrolling down to yesterday's post and filling out the rafflecopter. Also, my good friend Natalie is giving away  some fantastic books (The Secret Of Spruce Knoll included) over on Literary Rambles.


  1. Wow!! What a powerful Never Surrender post. I definitely bow down to you. Amazing!!

  2. Wow, I guess that's one way to let go of your vanities. But still. Wish you didn't have to go through that, though I'm glad you used it to get your writing out there! Never surrender!

    1. It certainly changed the way I feel when I look in the mirror, in a good way! Thanks hon, I was thrilled to participate and I can hardly wait to read Surrender.

  3. Great post! I had nine boys and was 46 years old, but I needed to try just one more time for a girl. It was a very difficult pregnancy, but now she is here and she is such a joy to all of us. She was worth the wait and the perseverance. I'm glad I didn't surrender.

    1. What a wonderful story, congratulations Veray!

  4. Wow! What a great story! I can't believe that happened to you, Heather. How scary. I love your attitude and how you took life by the're very inspiring. =)

    1. Me neither! It was one of the most frightening things I've ever been through. And aw, thanks!

  5. Sorry you had to go through that. But so glad you were inspired to write now. Thanks for sharing your story. Mine will post on Friday.

    1. It was a hard lesson to learn, but in the end, I'm glad I learned it. :) Looking forward to reading yours!

  6. Heather, your calmness during that incident still amazes me. I didn't surrender to my parathyroid tumor. While it pulled me into a dark place, I fought it all the way, found it, had it cut out and dealt with the surprises along the way that it left in its wake.
    Thanks for a great post!

    1. You have always been such an inspiration to me Karlene, and that shows why! You're a wonderful, powerful lady. :)

  7. Aww, sweetie, that must have been horrible. I'm glad he didn't leave you blind. One friend had the same accident with his horse and he lost one eye. I'm happy to hear how you took that incident and tried to be a better person because of it! <3

    1. Me too! The doctors were scared of that at first. I was so incredibly lucky, I'll never forget that.

  8. How horrifying an experience. Thank God you are alive, and, may I say, still a beautiful woman. Your soul and passion radiate through your face adding an inner beauty nothing can alter.

    I understand exactly how you feel Heather about the vanity thing. I lost the use of my legs for years and they were once my money maker. Now I use my talent instead of my looks to survive. It's a tough lesson, but one we grow from.

    Just think if this hadn't have happened you wouldn't have shared your amazing writing with all of us!

    1. You are so incredibly sweet. I shudder to think how I used to worry about my looks. I never will again, I'm just happy to look normal.

      Your story broke my heart, but then it gave me so much hope. You are a true inspiration my friend!

  9. I'm so glad for you and thankful for the rest of us that your writing, not to mention your sense of self, grew so powerful out of that incredibly difficult experience, Heather. You can't keep a great spirit down. Yay for that!

  10. I'm really glad that you're ok now! Sounds like a terrible experience! I'm also participating in Never Surrender!

    1. It was for sure. But I came out of it stronger and more focused than I've ever been. Thanks!

  11. The horse's eye is beautiful in the banner.
    Got your Born of Fire novella from Smashwords too, thanks.

    1. Thank you! Not many notice that who haven't read the book yet. ;) And yay! I hope you enjoy Born of Fire!

  12. It's amazing how one moment can change the direction of our life and make us appreciate normalness. Incredible story, Heather.

  13. Thanks for the giveaway! I can't wait to read this series!!


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