New Author Friend Shout Out

Every now and then I like to read something on the adult side of the tracks (Jessica E. Subject, Laurell Hamilton. Yes that kind of adult book. Close your mouth, you'll catch flies, as my Grandma used to say.), but just like with any other book I read, I'm picky. And when it comes to beta reading for new people, especially those that write 'adult' novels, I'm even pickier. So when I was asked by my oldest friend to beta read her 'adult' fantasy novel, I was skeptical and more than a little hesitant.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I loved it! The concept was refreshing, the writing was excellent, and the characters were compelling. With that said, I am happy to recommend Lilly VanHorn for the adult reader's out there. Her first fantasy novella, Valkyrie Slumbering, is releasing this spring. Get ready for a scorching tale set in the time of the Vikings in a world that isn't often explored in literature any more. Her first novel will follow soon after this fall.

You can find Lilly at the following links (if you're under 18, don't click on the links below or your computer will self-destruct):

Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads / Pinterest


  1. What a sweet shout out! I love Viking stuff. Very cool.

    1. Me too! I must admit, it was part of what hooked me as a beta reader.

  2. Vikings and Norse myths. You've read my novels so you know how much I love those two items! Thanks for putting the spotlight on a fellow writer. I wish her and you high sales!! Thanks for the very nice words on my blog~ :-)

    1. You're welcome Roland, it was my pleasure, as always. ;)

  3. Nice author shout out. Hoping it goes well for your friend to release and be successful :-)

    1. Thanks Angela, I hope it does too. Fingers crossed for her!

  4. Sounds like a great read, Heather. I love Viking tales.

    1. I think you'd really like her work then Michael!


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