The Dragon Empire Cover Reveal

At last, the cover reveal, hosted by the fabulous Xpresso Tours, for my epic fantasy novel, The Dragon Empire, has arrived! A HUGE thank you to all the fabulous people who are participating in the reveal today. I've been dying to show you this one. Finally, I'm back to my fantasy roots and they are growing deeper with plans for more fantasy novels to come. In the meantime, here is my cover and a bit about the book:

On Yacrana dragons are the advanced species. But advanced doesn't always mean civilized... 

There's trouble in the Dragon Empire, the kind that could start a war between dragons and the races of people. Hidden factions of dragons believe they should rule the lesser races, not simply stand aside and allow them to develop as they will. Having lived so long in peace, the Emperors turn a blind eye, many oblivious that such attitudes even exist.

Despite being only an architect class, emerald dragon, Grendar is willing to risk banishment and death to stop that which his rulers refuse to see. The hope of peace lies not within the scaled breast of a dragon however, but within the hands of a group of people. But if the hidden factions have their way, these people won’t live to fulfill such a destiny. With a reluctant seer at his side, Grendar must leave his precious Empire for the outside world to save those that will one day save his kind.

It will be available in eBook format next month and in paperback shortly after. You can add it to your Goodreads lists here. And as a bonus, here is the trailer:

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.


  1. Very nice cover, Heather. Good luck with the release. :D

    1. Thank you Stina! I love your new avatar by the way!

  2. Such an awesome cover Heather. I'm very excited for you.

  3. Congratulations, Heather!! I've seen you everywhere today. I'll be a bit late to the party, posting tomorrow, but I'll be there!!

    1. That's so sweet of you, thank you SA! It's never too late. :)

  4. Yay! So excited for you!

    I'm a dufus and hadn't posted about this. Just added it to today's post. My apologies. ;)

    1. NO problem LB! Any time you wanted to reveal or shout out is perfect. :)

  5. What a great cover and I'm so excited for this story! Cover reveal post went up this morning! :)

    1. Thank you so much Yelena! I appreciate your support more than I can say.

  6. Woot, woot! You rock, woman. I'm so impressed with your mad book writing skills. You're pumpin' them out like crazy! Go you!

    1. Ah, thanks! Yep, busy busy. I'm writing full time for a while now and I'm taking advantage of every moment!

  7. Hi Heather! Just learned about your book thanks to Gwen Gardner's site, it looks like an awesome read. Congratulations! Great to meet you. :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by Julie. It's great to meet you too!

  8. Your cover made quite an impression today on my blog. Lots of positive comments! Here's my very best to you on this one. It does look interesting, so I'll be one of your readers.

    1. That's so sweet, thank you! I'll be sure to drop by to say hi to everyone.

  9. Great cover Heather! Happy cover release day to you!

  10. Congrats Heather. The cover is nice. Love the sky. Enjoyed the trailer (and the boy, ha ha).

  11. Cool cover. I like the music to the trailer; sounds magical. Congrats Heather.


  12. Gorgeous Cover, Heather!!!!

    All the best with your release!!!!!!

  13. What a great cover! I'm a sucker for a good dragon fantasy.


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