New Year, New Focus

This year is going to be special, I can feel it. Change is in the air like never before and I'm reaching out with both arms to embrace it. Thank you to each and every one of you who helped make 2012 a good year for me; friends, family, and fans. Thank you for being there and for reading. Here's to a wonderful 2013 for all of you!

My resolution:

Write (and live) from the heart. Write (and live) what I love. Write (and live) without regret. This will be the year I give my energy and focus to my dreams.

What about you, what are your resolutions? Do you make them?

Don't forget to sign up to help out with the cover reveal for my upcoming fantasy novel, The Dragon Empire. You can sign up at this link


  1. Oh, those are good resolutions, Heather. I hope to do the same. Cheers and Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Lorelei! You will, I have no doubt. :)

  2. Brave resolutions! It's amazing how hard it is to make time for our dreams. Good for you, Heather, and I hope 2013 proves to be a wonderful year!

    1. Thank you Kari. I hope it's wonderful for you too!

  3. Great resolutions. I hope you have an amazing 2013!

  4. Hi, Heather,

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too! You have had an awesome 2012 and 2013 WILL be even better.

    ALL the best!



    1. Thanks Michael. I hope it will be spectacular for you too!

  5. 2012 was a wonderful literary year for you. I pray that 2013 will be even better. I don't do resolutions. I try to find magic and renewal in each day. Happy 2013!

    1. Ah, thank you Roland. And I LOVE your outlook!

  6. Heather, these are fabulous resolutions. From the Heart. What could be better than that? I think most of us spend too much time in our heads. Have a wonderful year...It has started in the right direction and you are going to find everything you are looking for in the world! Happy New Year my friend!
    Oh...and my resolutions? Yes... we must go here to see the crazy list. lol.
    Can I do it? Yes!!! As you will too.
    The BEST to everyone in 2013!

    1. I have no doubts that you can! And I haven't even seen it yet. ;)

  7. Yes to all of your goals for 2013. I love them.

  8. I love your resolutions! Especially the part about writing and living from the heart. I think it's the only way we can be truly happy. Good luck with all your goals!
    I have been feeling excited about this year as well, feeling like good things will happen. Hope it'll be true.

    1. Thank you Yelena! I couldn't agree more. Writing from the heart = happiness. It will be a good year indeed, for both of us!

  9. Happy new year! Those are awesome resolutions. :)Good luck I'm sure 2013 will be a great year for you!

  10. Ugh. I rarely make (formal) resolutions.

    Its not that I'm not a dedicated, disciplined person. Cause I am. And I could probably kick some goal's trash, if I actually made one...

    But there is just SOMETHING about a goal... writing it down and all that jazz... that makes me feel so confined!! Like being in a trapped relationship you can't get out of!! I always have the end game in mind. Where I want to be. How I can feasibly get there. But writing it down? A rigid goal-achieving structure?

    I can't possibly!

    Haha! Its ridiculous. I am aware.

    But total mad props to you, ninja, for makin' it happen! WOOT, WOOT!!

  11. I can't believe it's already 2013.

    I don't make resolutions. I make goals. :)


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