Winner of the B-Day Giveaway

Well we're a full week into what will hopefully be a lucky year for all of you (13 is my lucky number so I have high hopes for this year!). For one in particular, it is already lucky, and that's the winner of my birthday giveaway of a signed paperback of Winter Wonders. Before I announced who it is though I want to thank everyone who entered, helped me spread the word, and wished me a happy birthday. You all helped make it wonderful, thank you. And now for our winner:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to sign up to help reveal the cover for my upcoming fantasy novel, The Dragon Empire. To sign up to post or shout out about it, click this link


  1. Yes, congrats to Kelly!
    I tried to send you a b-day e-card, but methinks it went awry somehow. So, Happy Belated Birthday!!!


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