Social Media Shout Out

You may have noticed that I've added a few links to my Where Else You Can Find Me box. I finally found the time to join a writer's social network I've been meaning to join for a long time, Scribblerati. I'm really glad I did and am sorry it took me so long. It is filled with fantastic people, tons of information on submitting, query letters, contests, and they host a fabulous chat on Twitter every week. If you need support, encouragement, or help with the writing or submitting process, it is the place to go.

I've also joined Goodreads because I love reading and talking about the books I've read. It is like the biggest book club you could possibly imagine. One of the coolest parts is, all my favorite authors are on it. It makes their day to see someone add their book to their 'to be read' list or write a great review. Surprisingly, joining these two hasn't been taking up much of my time either. I just pop in and out real quick. That's the beauty of these sites, they aren't time consuming unless you want them to be.

Heather's Odyssey has been handed a few awards and I'd like to give a shout out to the fabulous bloggers who awarded them to me. Kari over at Under The Fairy Dust awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you so much Kari! She is an aspiring author with a beautiful blog. Be sure to stop by and check it out. Writer TS Tate has awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award. TS is one of the most supportive ladies you could ever hope to know, and she's a great writer on top of it. If you don't already follow TS's blog or follow her on Twitter be sure to check her out.

I'm off to get a bit of outlining done. Happy Friday everyone!


  1. You're such a sweetie. Thanks, hon!

  2. Congrats on your recent awards, Heather! I joined Scribblerati, but I haven't done anything on it. Maybe I should peek at it again. :-)

  3. I didn't know you were on there Shannon! I'll have to look for you. I'm still discovering everyone and everything. Did you see there is a chat button where we can live chat there? My critique group and I were thinking about trying that out next week!

  4. Ooh, I should join Goodreads too but I haven't had time yet. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. You'll love it Lydia, it's a lot of fun. Look me up when you join!

  6. Thank you for inviting me to Scribblerati! I hope more people join too. Happy Friday to you too. XOXO K

  7. You're welcome Karlene! It's great to have you there. The more the merrier!


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