Twitter Tuesday~Editor & Agent Advice

It was another great week on Twitter for writers. I even had the opportunity to jump in on a few great, spontaneous chats with agents and editors. Here are some of the best links I found last week:
@jsubject There Are No Rules - Back to Basics: Why Am I Getting Rejected? via @JaneFriedman

This is an excellent post by agent Nathan Bransford on banned books week. I'm very lucky that @jsubject re-tweeted it because I missed it!
@jsubject Banned Books Week in the Internet Age via @NathanBransford

I found another fabulous editor to follow. You can learn a lot by doing that, case in point:
@rantyeditor This is who can write query letters referring to the author in third person: agents. This is who should not: everyone else.

If you are on Twitter you really should be following Chuck from Writer's Digest. Here is an example of why:
@ChuckSambuchino Very simple stuff here but worth repeating: RT @JanetKGrant - 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website:

Here is an encouraging tip from one of the best agencies in the business:
@KnightAgency TKA Tip:Not every project is going to be the right fit. Don’t let a rejection stop you from fulfilling your quest for representation.

Tired of querying and getting nowhere? Then you must read this:
@JaneFriedman If you prefer to avoid the cold query process for finding an agent, here are the strengths/skills you need to build:

Agent Nathan Bransford does an excellent post every week about the news in publishing.
@jsubject This Week In Publishing 10/1/10  via @NathanBransford

This is a really interesting post about what happens after you sell your book.
@WeronikaJanczuk Click here for an in-depth look at "life after the sale" --

If you are a writer on submission and you haven't taken the Twitter plunge yet, this might convince you.
@EgmontGal Twitter success story: we bought @taliavance's book Spies and Prejudice in large part because we know each other's tweets


  1. Great post! I'll be checking out these links. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for including my tweets Heather! :)

  3. Wow, Heather this is a great list. I've been so busy lately at the day job I haven't been able to follow Twitter as much. So thanks for these great tweets!

  4. Some of these are going to be especially helpful to me this week. Thanks, Heather! :-)

  5. Thanks Cinette and Jessica. I hope some of them are helpful to you!

  6. I know how that goes Karen. I had a week like that just a while ago. I'm glad my links helped!

    That's excellent Shannon! I'm glad I could help. :-)

  7. I'm always on the lookout for editors and agents to follow on Twitter. Thanks for the links!

  8. Awesome links--I don't have time to get on Twitter as much as I'd like, so it's great having the links in one place. Thanks!

  9. You're welcome Melissa! I know what you mean. I glean the most amazing information just by following them!

  10. Thanks Kristi. I know how tough it can be at times to grab a spare moment. I'm glad I could help! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  11. These are some wonderful links. Great post! I'm going to go check them out now. :D

  12. Thank you Heather for another great list! This is really helpful! I hope you had a fabulous day!

  13. Thank you Brenda and Karlene. I hope you find them helpful!

  14. Thanks for posting - I had fun reading around :)


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