Twitter Tuesday~Agents, Conferences & Literary Advice

This was another busy week in which I didn't get to spend much time on my favorite social networks but I did glean a few really good links off Twitter for you. Here is a prime example from Agent Natalie Fischer about why aspiring authors should be on Twitter:
@Natalie_Fischer Twitterbugs, keep on twittering: agents are reading!  #PUBTIP

It's easy to be impatient while sitting on the writer's side of the computer but check out this tweet about what it's like on the agent's side from agent Weronika Janczuk:
@WeronikaJanczuk Ever wonder why agents need a week to decide whether they want to offer rep? And why offering rep isn't so easy?

See a conference from the agent's point of view:
@Natalie_Fischer Wondering what my conference horrors were? Read on!  #pubtip, #conferences

Excellent advice from Chuck Sambuchino of Writer's Digest:
@ChuckSambuchino Generic phrase to avoid in a query: "Turns her/his life upside down." #pubtip #writing

What to do when the magic has gone out of your author/agent relationship:
@lkblackburne When You Discover Your Agent's Not That Into You  via @NathanBransford

I know I had to have missed a few good links so feel free to drop a few in the comments! On a side note, congratulations to Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia, it's release day for Beautiful Darkness, the sequel to Beautiful Creatures!


  1. These are awesome Tweets/links! Thanks!

  2. You know how much I love your Tuesday links! :-)

  3. These are some good tweet linkage! I'll definitely check them all out.

    And I'm SO excited about BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS. I picked my copy up today and I can't WAIT to read it. I read the prologue and I was sucked right back into Gaitlin, SC.

  4. Thanks Karen. I know what you mean about BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS! I can hardly wait for UPS to deliver it! And the cover, wow!

  5. Heather, some of these I didn't see! Thanks for letting us know about them.

  6. Heather, Thank you for sharing more great links, and connecting us with people who know the industry. Amazing the connections and experience we find there.

  7. Thanks for putting these tweets together! I always love reading what agent's have to say.


  8. You're welcome Julie and Karlene! That's so true Karlene, the connections and experiences are pretty amazing. :)

  9. You're welcome Tessa! Thanks for dropping in and leaving us a link to your blog. I'll be sure to check it out!

  10. I've been very absent from Twitter lately, as in more absent than I normally am. So thank you so much for passing along these tidbits.

  11. I know Alissa I've noticed, and missed you!

  12. Love Natalie Fischer's links, but I guess I'm a little bias!

  13. Great links, Heather. I'm off to check them out. :D

    (PS the conference was good, though it was mostly for beginners. I got a good crit on my first 300 words. That's when they got tough--on me.) :D

  14. You're aloud Elle. Even if one isn't represented by Natalie, she's pretty awesome. ;-)

  15. I'm glad the conference was good Stina, even if it was geared toward beginners. At least you got something out of it!


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