End of the Year Wednesday Writing Goals

I have so many this week I'm not sure where to start. I am editing the short, Born Of Fire, which I hope to release at the beginning of January for all of you (for free, yay!). And my goal is to have the editing and formatting completed this week. A bit of steep goal, but I'm determined to get it done. Then I'm beta reading for two people and my goal is to have their manuscripts done by the end of the week too. I have definitely taken on too much, but what the heck I figure go big for the end of the year.

How about you, any big writing goals you'd like to accomplish before the end of the year?


  1. Wow Heather, you have your plate full! Good luck! Can't wait to read BORN OF FIRE.

    Besides being a reading bum, my goal is to revise the last 20 scenes in my novel by 12/31 and then I hope to be done with the whole novel in April. Yay!

  2. I'm working on a rewrite that I'd like to add 10K word count to before the end of the year and I'd also like to finish Ali Cross's Become. I'm enjoying it thus far.

    Wishing you success for completing your goals :-)

  3. I'd really love to have all my edits done and in the hands of my agent by the end of the year - but somehow, I'm not sure that's going to happen. Sigh.

  4. We have like three days, right? I'd be cheeky and say I'm going to write a novel, but I won't go there. Te he. Maybe get myself organized! That would be a great help. Good luck with your goals!

  5. Wow. It's really coming fast!

    Have gotten into my mystery novel--yay! Got the plot for it figured out (knew I would once I had time in my office to think properly!)And finished the second chapter and writing the third as I type this--yes, really I am!

    Good for you for getting some things done, Heather! The short story sounds great!

  6. Karen, that's excellent, just in time for our retreat!

    Angela, power to you girl, that is a great goal!

    S.L., I know the feeling. This year has been a bit overwhelming. I'm sending you good thoughts though and hoping you'll finish!

  7. Lisa, lol! Well maybe finish one! And getting organized is a great goal.

    Lorelei, that's excellent about your mystery novel.

  8. My goodness, I feel like a lazy so-and-so. My goal? Write something. Anything :-)

  9. That Born of Fire cover is delicious. Fingers crossed you get everything done.

  10. You have taken on a ton! But I know you can do it. My goals... to get my New Years cards out, my counter tiled in my office, my book uploaded, and my files organized. Yes... so many goals. You should read my New Year's resolutions! lol.
    Happy New Year!

  11. Sarah, that's not a bad goal at all! Sometimes we have to start small. :)

    Christa, thank you so much, on both counts!

    Karlene, I kind of have, it's starting to intimidate me a bit, I won't lie. So have you though my dear! But we can both do it, I know it!

  12. Wow. You have a lot on your plate. Make sure you take care of yourself. I found I had to let some stuff go in order to get done what I need to do. I have to finish reading the manuscripts for my writing workshop group. I'd like to flesh out two chapters in my novel.

  13. You can do it, Heather. But take some time to rest.

    I'm finishing a manuscript I'm beta-reading. I'm also going to do some quick revisions on one wip and make sure one outline looks fit to follow before I start a draft.

    Happy New Year!


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