Friday Surprise Giveaway

The holidays still have me in their grip today so sorry peeps, no creature feature. I promise I’ll be coming back strong with them next month though so be ready for some fantastic shorts. It isn’t Christmas or New Year’s that has me in its clutches today though. Today I celebrate having survived another full year on this lovely planet of ours. I have much to be thankful for and reflect upon this year. One of the greatest of which, is all of you.

With that in mind, I’d like to celebrate my birthday by doing a giveaway to thank you for being part of what has made this year so wonderful. I’ll give away a paperback copy of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll to one commenter (being a follower is not required but I’d love it if you followed). The contest will be open for one week and the winner will be announced on February second. If you’d like extra points you can get three by adding The Secret Of Spruce Knoll, Channeler’s Choice, and In His Eyes (anthology) to your Goodreads to-read list. In His Eyes is a great anthology coming out in February that I have a short story in. This short is for you fans who have been wanting to know more about Fane! Plus it's full of shorts from other fantastic authors that you won't want to miss.


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 2011 has been a year to survive, all right! You've done it beautifully. Give yourself a giant pat on the back. (I love the cover designs you're coming up with. They're gorgeous. And I'm going to order a copy of the special edition of Spruce Knoll so I have both versions.) Big Birthday Hugs!

  2. WOW! This is awesome! I hope I can win something :)

    By the way, I added the books to read on GDs,

    That's my page.

  3. Okay, Heather... I'll have something to add to my Goodread to-read list. The list keeps on growing, doesn't it?


    Funny, part of my post today is also giving thanks for this year with focus on how wonderful our "peeps" really are!

    I will certainly pop over to Goodreads later today. I have to post my review I did on Roland's book.

    HAVE A WONDERFUL New Year Heather! I hope we get to meet at some awesome conference this year!



  5. Happy birthday! I'd love to win a copy of this book! :) I don't have a Goodreads account, but both The Secret of Spruce Knoll and Channeler's Choice are on my tbr list. :)

  6. Happy Birthday, Heather! Every year is a year to be thankful for.

    I'm already a follower and my TBR list is updated with these awesome books.

  7. Wow, thank you so much for this generous and amazing opportunity to win this book! It would be such an honor, and best of luck to everyone who enters. :)
    Happy birthday, and how admirable to you to be giving instead of receiving on your special day. I wish you a wonderful day filled with love and joy, and congratulations on staying strong throughout the past year. All of us fans are rooting for you, and hope you all the best.
    Thanks again for this awesome contest, and happy new year! <3

  8. Happy Birthday, Heather! And thanks for the giveaway.

    And I've added The Secret of Spruce Knoll on Goodreads:[query]=The+Secret+of+Spruce+Knoll


  9. Happy Birthday Heather!!!!!!! and yay for the giveaway!!! I will definitely add it to my Goodreads TBR list :D Double yay for more FANE!!!!!!

  10. Happy birthday Heather! It's so generous to give a gift to others on your OWN birthday - go girl! Here's to another great year for you!

  11. Happy Birthday Heather, hope you had a wonderful day.

  12. Oooo! Is that a new cover I see? Its lovely! (I kinda want her dress, not gonna lie....)

    Isn't it lame that we're all MORE busy over the holidays than in "real life"? What's up with that!! Haha! Here's to a new year and much more blogging to come!

  13. Happy Birthday Heather! Have a wonderful day and have a spectacular New Year! May everyting negative stay in the old year and only good things come your way in the new!

  14. Heather, I'm so Happy you celebrated your birthday the best way possible. Celebrating you. My life has been on a roller coaster for a few weeks, but I'm back now. I hope you had the best birthday ever!!!!


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