Wednesday Writing Goals 12-13

Before I get to the writing goals, today for the Spruce Knoll for Endangered Species Tour, I'm over at author Christine Bryant's blog chatting about giraffes. I hope you'll stop by! We're getting close to the end of the tour so don't forget to come back here and click on the button on the right sidebar to enter.

This last week while on vacation I was working on a special writing project that I hope to have finished very soon. It falls somewhere between a short story and a novella and I plan on releasing it for free hopefully before the holiday as a gift to all of you. If you've ever wondered what really happened to Aiden's parents then you are really going to want to read this! My goal was to get at least 2,000 new words written on it by the end of the week and I'm thrilled to say I did! My goal for this next week is to finish the first draft, put it through my editing process, then send it off to my beta.

How about you? Are your writing goals surviving the holidays or have they been post-poned in all the festivities?


  1. I'm working on edits all this week to get it to beta readers by Friday. So far, so good. :D

  2. Congratulations on meeting that writing goal! Looking forward to seeing that project come to fruition!
    My goal is to write a new chapter for both of the novels I'm working on and (hopefully) get my Christmas crocheting done. Whew!

  3. Well done on getting this week's goal, and good luck for next! I'm revising for the first time, so no goals really as I have no idea how long things take :-)

  4. Heather, I am so excited to read your new project. Fantastic idea. And... great for those who have already read the book too. Very fun! Off to learn about giraffes.

  5. My critique partner and I are going to do a small marathon session online together today. :-)

  6. Congratulations on meeting that goal, Heather! That is outstanding. You've inspired me. After we talked about short stories etc. I decided it's time to take another shot at one, connected to a novel series I'm developing. Ideas are percolating, thanks!!

  7. Tina, my fingers are crossed that you make your Friday deadline!

    Lin, you can do it! I have some crocheting to do myself come to think of it...

    Sarah, congratulations on your first revision! It's my favorite part. :)

  8. Karlene, thanks! I hope to have it done soon.

    Shannon, good luck in your marathon session! Love that idea.

    Linda, thank you! Glad I could inspire you. :)

  9. Hi, Heather,

    So nice to be visiting. You know how life gets in the way sometimes. What a nice gift you are giving to all of us. You are so sweet.

    You seem to be moving right along nicely.

    My goals fell way below sea level these days. I feel like I'm drowning, BUT ... not to worry, I have a life raft within reach. I hope to be above water soon. I am starting by visiting my blogger friends and reconnecting with old and new friends....

  10. Ohhhh *rubs hands together* I would love to know what really happened to Aiden's parents! I can't wait till the release!!

  11. That sounds really intriguing. So glad that you're making good progress. We just finished a major software release, so the rest of the year, I'm going to work on my novel project. Yay!

  12. I have one story that needs finished in the next two days, and one that needs completed before the 20. I'm so good at procrastination . .

    Looking forward to reading your story :)


  13. The holidays have killed all my writing time. Oh well!


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