Release Celebration~Devotion

Today I'm pleased to be celebrating the release of my friend, and fabulous author, Kristie Cook's latest novel in her Soul Saver series, Devotion. I had the pleasure of getting a sneak peak of this novel and I got to write a blurb for it! Here is a bit about it:

With powerful abilities gained from the Ang’dora and Tristan back by her side, Alexis thinks she’s ready for the next challenge— protecting her son from what appears to be the inevitable. But she has so much to learn about her powers, her new world and the people in it. Nothing is what it seems to be on the surface, including the Amadis.

Power-hungry politicians comprise the council and make impossible demands. A traitor lurks among them all, inciting trouble that could destroy the Amadis and, ultimately, humanity. The Daemoni wreak havoc in the human world, with the ultimatum that they’ll continue attacking innocents until Alexis and Tristan are expelled from the Amadis’ protection. The couple’s own society begins to shut them out. But that’s not all.

Someone’s keeping a secret. A big one. Faith and hope in Alexis and Tristan will be restored if she can uncover the truth in time.

But the search for answers leads only to the discovery of more betrayals by those closest to Alexis. Her devotion is put to the test—devotion to her husband, to her family, to her people and to her beliefs—leaving her to question whom she’s fighting for and why she should even bother. But if she won’t fight . . . who will?

Happy book birthday to Devotion! Here's my official blurb:

"Devotion had just the right amount of intrigue, mystery, and pulse-pounding action to keep me eating up the pages. All my favorite characters are back and there are a few new ones I fell in love with. The rich world building and deep emotional connection between the characters makes this edition to the series a must read." ~Heather McCorkle, author of The Secret Of Spruce Knoll.

You can find Devotion at this link, and soon everywhere books are sold!


  1. I'll have to check this series out. I love your blurb, Heather. :-)

  2. This sounds like a wonderful book. Your official blurb is just as intriguing. The three faces on that book cover all look very haunting. Lots of good stuff surrounding this book. Need to add to my TBR list.

  3. I've heard so many great things about Kristi's writing. I'm going to have to check out her SOUL SAVERS series.

  4. YAY!!! I got a sneak peak too and absolutely loved it! HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY, Kristie!

  5. NICE!! Congratulations, Kristie! And beautiful blurb, Heather.

  6. Congratulations to Kristie!

    Sounds like an interesting story--and I love the names from the blurb. :)

  7. Wow, another excellent book to read! Thanks for sharing it Heather!


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