Wednesday Writing Goal~Editing Milestone

Last week my goal was to hit the 200 page mark on my revision/rewrite of my special project, and I did it! It wasn't easy because the rewrite kept making the manuscript longer, which was pushing my goal out farther and farther. But I stuck with it and made it!

Have you ever revised and found yourself adding a lot more to your manuscript than you had originally planned? Did you make your writing goals for last week?

If you have time please stop by the Critique Sisters' Corner and enter to win a copy of Flight For Control by Karlene Petitt. I'm giving it away on that blog as part of the celebration for my release tour for Channeler's Choice. All you have to do to enter to win Flight For Control is leave a comment on the Critique Sisters' Corner post at this link. There aren't many entries yet so your chances of winning are good! When you're done I hope you'll visit me at my good friend and author Tina Moss's blog where she is interviewing the heartthrob Aiden from Channeler's Choice.


  1. This final revision of my MS is the result of feedback from an editor. I've added 11,000 words and still have several chapters to go. :-)

  2. I tend to write skinny, so in revisions, I'm always adding words (even if I delete whole scenes!). Congrats and good luck with the project!

    1. I'm usually the opposite but this time I must have been channeling you. ;) I like this method, it allows for a lot of growth.

  3. I think that's great that you're adding to your ms! So much better to have too much than not enough to work with when it comes to final edits.

    1. Very true! And it's enriching it quite a bit so I'm happy.

  4. Good on you for meeting your writing goal. And I know what you mean. I've started the revision for my WiP and have added a thousand words so far after only 25 pages. Guess there's much more that wanted to get said than I thought :-)

    1. Thanks Angela! Ha, I love the way you said. That. So much more that wanted to be said indeed!

  5. My first draft is always 10-20,000 words shorter than the finished product. This is because I am allergic to details and always leave descriptions until the end!

    1. Wow, that makes me feel better. LOL! Allergic to descriptions, love that.

  6. I get so carried away by the plot in my first draft that I underwrite. My final drafts are always 10 to 20,000 words longer.

    1. From the comments, it's starting to look like that's pretty common. Interesting...

  7. Yep, that happens to me. And that's especially true of my new wip. I underwrote the first draft.

    I finished my first draft last week, which was my goal for the week.

  8. Congratulations Stina, that's fantastic!

  9. Heather, I didn't make my goal. A flight to Tokyo, LAX, Tokyo, Seattle ... I touched down and my daughter was in labor! So, I picked up the granddaughters and they spent two nights with me. Needless to say... jet lag, no sleep, kids and new baby... life is a blur right now. But there is tomorrow!

    1. A blur indeed! Hang in there Karlene, I'm pulling for you. :)

  10. Congrats on reaching your target!

    Last week was a bit of a tough one for me with loads of distractions, but I almost managed to reach my goal - two thousand words short.

    1. Boy do I know that feeling! Sounds like you got close though, congrats. Here's to a week with less distractions!

  11. Congrats on making your milestone. :) Actually, this is exactly what's happening to me. I'm adding scenes and that's making the revision longer.

    1. Thank you! Isn't that funny that we're both doing the same thing with our novels?!


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