Teaser Tuesday~Arrivals

In only one week the anthology with Fane's story (and many other fabulous stories) in it releases! Oh, did I mention it will be free? Cause it will. Just look at these fabulous authors that contributed to it:

S.R. Johannes, C.K. Bryant, Elle Strauss, Susan Kaye Quinn, Jessie Harrell, Magan Vernon, Lisa Nowak, Heather McCorkle, Ali Cross, Karen Amanda Hooper, Cory Putman Oakes, Laura Pauling,Stacey Wallace Benefiel, Katie Klein, Cheri Lasota, RaShelle Workman.

I can't tell you how honored I am to have my story among such outstanding authors. Today's teaser is from my story in the anthology, Family Bonds. Fane has just arrived in Spruce Knoll in this scene:

Jack-o-lanterns carved into frightening guises were placed throughout the house, on the coffee table, the loft stairs, even the kitchen counter. By the intricately carved designs, they were his mother’s handiwork no doubt.

“How wonderfully American,” he said.

To add the In His Eyes anthology to your Goodreads lists click here. If you'd like to take part in announcing it's release next Tuesday leave me a comment and I'd be thrilled to send you an announcement post. 


  1. I am TOTALLY looking forward to the release of your anthology--so many great writers in one place!! :-)

  2. Great teaser! I really like the description.

  3. Heather, you're getting so close! I am so excited and can hardly wait to read it!!!

  4. This is so exciting. I would love to participate in announcing this anthology's arrival!

  5. EEEEPPPP!!! What a fabulous bit a news to close my night with!!!!! You know I am such a fan of FANE <3 <3 <3 What can I do to help? Just let me know :)

    1. I know and I'm so thrilled that you love Fane as much as I do! I'll send you an email. ;)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ahh! I can't wait to read it! And so soon too! Thank you! (:


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