Tuesday Writing Tip~Reading Aloud

One of the greatest editing discoveries I've ever made it reading my novel aloud. This is one of the last steps in the editing process that I do and it always amazes me how much I catch even after so much work by myself and my beta readers. I've even caught things an editor has missed this way.

Tip: When you think you're finished editing your novel read it aloud, either to someone or to yourself. It's important to take your time with it and not just read what your eye 'thinks' it sees, but what is really on the page.

A few friends of mine have a program that has their computer read it aloud to them. Super cool, but the computer voice would kind of freak me out. But if you're adventurous and techie enough, it's probably worth a shot.

Today for the Channeler's Choice tour I'm over at my friend the fabulous author G.P. Ching's blog. Before you go, don't forget to click on the sidebar link to enter the Channeler's Choice tour giveaway.


  1. Yeah, the computer voice is weird, but it's so helpful to hear someone other than myself read it that I actually use this method as I'm writing, to read back each paragraph. It helps so much. For any of your readers who are interested in a free download to read your Word docs, they can see this post:http://chrysaliswomenwriters.wordpress.com/2011/09/16/wordtalk/

    1. Thanks a million for the link Lisa! I'll have to try it out.

  2. This is a great tip. I've always had trouble reading my stuff aloud to myself (or others) but the few times that I did, it definitely helped!

  3. That's a great tip. I read my stuff aloud periodically. It really helps catch things that aren't working.

    1. Thanks Natalie. I was blown away by how much it helped the first time I did it.

  4. I'll have to try this--it also sounds like a good way to find problems in sentence structure and the flow of the words.

    Thanks for the tip! :)

    1. It is! You'll love it. Once you try it, you'll never consider your manuscript finished without this step!

  5. My Honey fixed up that robot voice for me, but as I have a mental age of about 12 I use it more for amusement. I do read my own work out loud though, you're right, it's incredibly helpful.

  6. Guess what? Your posts started appearing on my reader again!! Woot!! And thanks for the tip! I always forget to read out loud, so I'm grateful for the reminder! :D

  7. This does help with catching words that are there and shouldn't be. Problem is, it's also good for making me fall asleep LOL! I may have to check out Lisa's link. That would be wierd to hear it read with the computer voice!

  8. Heather, this is a fabulous tip! Thank you so much for sharing. Reading aloud works wonders!


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