Career or Hobby?

This is the question we all must ask ourselves at some point in regards to our writing. Do we wish to make it a career or are we happy keeping it a hobby? As you can probably tell from my posts, I've decided I want to make it my career. This is not a decision I've made lightly and neither should you. There are questions we have to ask ourselves before taking the step towards a writing career. Are we going to be able to keep a schedule? How hard are we willing to work to promote ourselves (bad news for any who don't know, a publicist can't do it all without you!)? Don't worry, this is not to say that we all have to be Stephen King or Ashton Kutcher. But you do have to want it really, really bad. The road to an agent and to publishing is filled with a lot of work, disapointment, rejection, and then responsibility. Sounds like life right? It can be done. I have quite a few friends in the industry who are doing quite well. They remind me everyday that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

All you need is to develop a tough skin (like adamantium strength), learn to use criticism positively no matter how it's presented, set goals and keep them, be ready to promote yourself, and keep loving what you do. Sounds easy enough right? Easy like a triathalon. But so worth the journey. . .


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