Sarah's Big Idea

Those of you who have read my earlier posts have heard me rave about Sarah Rees Brennan's new book, The Demon's Lexicon. Am I just shamelessly promoting a friend? You bet I am. However, here is the perfect example of why she's so amazing. Sarah has commited to writing a short story every week if her book climbs to a certain number in the sales ranking. So, don't wait for paperback folks, rush out and buy this because I must have more of her short stories!!! Once you start reading her work you will be hungry for every little bit extra you can get your hands on too!

This week she did a story on the history of one of the characters in The Demon's Lexicon. It's fantastic, and a great backstory we wouldn't have otherwise received. It's marketing genius, you've got to love that! Not only can she write, this Irish girl's got brains and beauty too. Watch out America!

So first jump on here and read the first few pages of the Demon's Lexicon (warning, you'll be hooked once you do :)

Then go to to read the short story.

I love this idea so much that I think I may do this once my book sells. As a reader I can't imagine anything greater than more of a story that I love. It's like being rewarded for buying the hardback. Love it!


  1. That is such an awesome idea. You got to love a lady who knows how to sell herself and her work!


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